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That would be El Nino.

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Q: A warm weather event that occurs in the tropical Pacific Ocean periodically?
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A warm event that occurs in the tropical pacific ocean periodically is known as?

El Niño. It is characterized by warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures and can lead to a variety of weather disruptions around the globe, such as heavy rainfall in some areas and droughts in others.

How are tropical cyclones and hurricanes related?

A hurricane is a strong tropical cyclone that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean or eastern Pacific Ocean.

Is a warm water event that occurs in the tropical Pacific Ocean known as the butterfly effect?


Can tiphone happen in the Pacific Ocean?

If you mean a typhoon than yes. A typhoon is a tropical cyclone that occurs in the northwestern pacific ocean.

What often severe wind storm that is created when air flows over warm ocean waters?

A tropical cyclone:Called a Hurricane, Typhoon, or Cyclone - depending on where it occurs. .A hurricane is a storm that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and northeastern Pacific Ocean.A typhoon occurs in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.A cyclone occurs in the south Pacific or Indian Ocean.

What periodically occurs across grasslands?

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What is a hurricane that occurs in Asia?

That depends on where it is. If it is in the Pacific it is a Typhoon. If it is in the Indian Ocean it is called a tropical cyclone, or a severe cyclonic storm.

What occurs over the pacific that affects world wide weather?

El nino is a climatic event that begins in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. This oceanic anomaly can effect temperature and weather worldwide.

What global weather event occurs every 3 to 7 years and effects the movement of currents in the pacific?

El Nino.

What Typhoon is another term for .?

Tropical storms/depressions have different names in every ocean. Typhoon is a storm which occurs in Pacific Ocean. Hurricane is an Atlantic one and Cyclone ravages in Indian ocean.

Why is that there are only two weathers in the Philippines?

The Philippines has two main weather seasons, the wet season (rainy) and the dry season. This is due to its geographical location near the equator, leading to consistent patterns of tropical weather. The wet season typically occurs from June to September, while the dry season occurs from December to May.

What is the ocean of origin for 'El Niño'?

El Niño originates in the Pacific Ocean, specifically in the region near the equator off the west coast of South America. This phenomenon involves the warming of sea surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific, leading to global weather pattern changes.