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Withdrawal reflex or flexor reflex employs sensory neuron, interneuron and motor neuron.

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Q: A withdrawal reflex employs what neurons?
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A knee-jerk reflex employs motor neurons and what?

A knee-jerk reflex involves sensory neurons, which carry information from the muscle spindles to the spinal cord, and motor neurons, which carry signals from the spinal cord back to the muscle causing the contraction. This reflex is important for maintaining balance and stability in response to sudden changes in muscle length.

What interneurons in a withdrawal reflex are located in the?

The interneurons involved in a withdrawal reflex are located in the spinal cord. These interneurons receive signals from sensory neurons that detect the painful stimulus and transmit signals to motor neurons that cause the withdrawal response. The spinal cord acts as a relay station for these signals, allowing for a quick and automatic response to potential harm.

What polysynaptic reflexes have a neuron?

The withdrawal reflex is an example of a polysynaptic reflex involving multiple neurons. This reflex pathway consists of sensory neurons carrying the stimulus information to the spinal cord, interneurons within the spinal cord processing the information, and motor neurons sending signals to muscles to initiate a response, such as withdrawing from a painful stimulus.

What reflex has at least one interneuron placed between the sensory and motor neurons?

The withdrawal reflex, such as the withdrawal of a hand from a hot stove, involves at least one interneuron placed between the sensory neuron carrying the pain signal and the motor neuron causing the muscle to move away from the source of the pain.

Does a withdrawal reflex employ a converging circuit?

Yes, a withdrawal reflex typically involves a converging circuit in the spinal cord where sensory input from multiple sensory neurons converge onto a single motor neuron. This allows for a rapid and coordinated response to a potentially harmful stimulus.

How does the four major elements of a simple nervous pathway function during pain withdrawal reflex?

During a pain withdrawal reflex impulses are sent through different nerves and to the spinal cord. This reflex does not make it to the brain but only to the spinal cord. We call this involuntary action because we dont control reflexes. The sensory neurons are the first to recieve the impulse, then they travel to the interneurons, or associative neurons, and then they go to the motor neurons which carries the impulse to the central nervous system. Then the effector is the response, so in this case your musscle will contract.

What connects to sensory neurons?

You have three neurons in the reflex arc. You have the afferent, the intermediate and efferent neurons in the reflex arc. So the answer is intermediate neuron.

Arrange the following neurons into the correct sequence for information flow during the withdrawal reflex following touching a hot burner on a stove?

sensory, interneuron, motor nueron

What kind of reflex has only two neurons?

monsynaptic reflex arcs

What muscles in the limbs are the effectors of a withdrawal reflex?

Flexor Muscles

Does visceral reflex arcs have two sensory neurons?

No, it has 2 visceral motor neurons. A visceral reflex has a receptor, a sensory neuron, a processing center, and 2 visceral motor neurons.

What type of homeostasis feedback reflex is the withdrawal reflex?

The withdrawal reflex is a negative feedback reflex that helps the body protect itself from harm. When the body comes into contact with a harmful stimulus, such as touching something hot, the withdrawal reflex causes muscles to contract and move the body part away from the stimulus, which helps to prevent injury.