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Q: A wound the outer tissue shows a small hole and external bleeding is limited but internal damage may occur and infection such as tetanus may develop?
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What is the development of birds internal or external?

external - They develop externally in an egg.

Do mammals have internal or external development?

internal. They develop inside the womb

Why does a female dog die if it is not spade?

some female dogs that are not spayed may develop Pyometra which is an infection of the uterus. There is 'internal' Pyometra and 'external' Pyometra. With external, the dog will have a smelly discharge (typically after they have been in season). With internal there won't be any discharge and is therefore harder to detect. The condition is very serious and you are racing against time to save the life of your dog. Treatment requires removal of the uterus.

What risks exist for the patient in undergoing testicular surgery?

Testicular surgery, like any major surgery, can have postoperative complications. These complications include internal bleeding and wound infection, as well as adverse reactions to anesthesia. About 10-15% of patients develop fertility problems.

What risks are involved with a trabeculectomy?

Infection and bleeding are risks of any surgery. Scarring can cause the drainage to stop. A third of patients with trabeculectomies will develop cataracts.

How are internal and external conflict similar?

Internal and external conflicts both involve obstacles or challenges that a character faces. Internal conflicts arise within a character's mind or emotions, while external conflicts involve struggles with outside forces such as other characters or the environment. Both types of conflict help to drive the plot and develop the characters.

Custom Database Design?

form_title=Custom Database Design form_header=Design, develop and manage the database that fits your business needs. What do you need the database to offer?=_ Who will have access to the database?=_ Is this database for the internal or external public?= {(),Internal,External} Do you need the new database to integrate with a current system?= () Yes () No () Not Sure

Do milkfish use internal or external fertilization?

It is external because we all know that fish lay eggs and they lay eggs in their habitat so its meant to say that the fish, develop their embryo inside the egg and also where it is hatch.

The four external and six internal considerations to develop an intergrated information system for a human service organization?

Internal human services is divided into many sectors. Financial and economic growth, Child and family, Housing, Health, Environmental, Education & employment. To successfully develop a integrated information system for human services, the external departments of Taxes and budgeting, law enforcement, board of local senate, FDA should also be considered.

Why is essential to balance internal and external recruitment?

Internal recruits are employees who already know the company and its ways of working. Additionally you know what their performance, limits and abilities are like. Internal recruitment also gives opportunities to staff to get promoted, in other words it is a major incentive for employees to develop their full potential. External recruits mean you can bring in people to your organization with new ideas and knowledge to keep things fresh.

Why do dogs develop pink discoloured body fluid when it is not caused by food dye?

If ANY animal is discharging pink body fluid, it can be an indication of internal bleeding and should be seen by a veterinarian. There is a possibility that the dog swallowed something sharp that has caused internal damage to some extent.

How are dogs not organisms?

A dog is an organism due to the fact that it is a living thing. A dog can respond to external and internal stimuli, reproduce, grow ,and develop.