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....confirmed her desirability to them, established that she had a (possible) relationship with a gentleman; though at the same time it might show that she was indiscreet.

It could also have been because she sought advice, opinions.

Or it could have given her prestige.

The 'because' depends greatly on the nature of the young lady herself, her relationship with her friends, her experience (of life, love, romance, courtship, men), whether she had parents (could be partly or wholly an orphan, or adopted) and her relationship with them (and possibly other relatives) - could she go to others for advice, etc. ?

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followed appropriate courting rules (apexvs)

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Q: A young lady in the 19th century would have shown a gentlemans love letter to her friends because it?
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Which was commonly read allowed to friends in the 19th century?

A gentleman's love letter

Would a young lady in the 19th century would have shown a gentlemans love letter to her friends?

Most young women of the 19th Century kept their love letters from the man they loved extremely private and often would stack the letters together and put a ribbon on them and place them in a fancy box. What was in her bedroom was private. Some women back then may talk about the man they love, but, seldom did they let anyone (even friends) read the love letters. Even today in the 21st Century what a man writes a woman in private correspondence between the two should be kept private.apex followed appropriate courting rules

Would have shown a love letter to friends because it followed appropriate courting rules.?

Yes, I would have shown a love letter to a friend, even it was a really embarrassing boy who sent it. Show them - I'm sure they'll understand xx

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