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Q: A young woman had her pituitary gland removed She may now experience?
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What part of the pituitary gland controls menstruation?

There are many theories as to what causes women's menstrual cycle in the first place. The most widely accepted however is that there is a telekinetic web intertwined between all women that triggers the monthly cycle when they are around other women with their period. This explains the phenomenon known as a "bitch-fest" whenever several women are all in the same room menstruating at the same time. The hormones travel the telekinetic highway from one woman to another, gaining momentum and aggression as they go. Not too different from nuclear fission, if the hormones go unchecked the women could go into a state of "ragging meltdown" destroying any male in their path.

Why do women only release one egg?

Ovulation depends on a delicate balance of hormones. In order for ovarian follicles to begin developing into mature ova, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) must be released from the pituitary gland. When a woman is pregnant, a hormone released by the corpus luteum or the placenta called progesterone prevents FSH release from the pituitary, so no further follicles are stimulated to mature, so no eggs are released.

What is the largest gallstone ever removed?

The largest gallstone on record was removed from an 80-year old woman in 1952 and weighed 6.29 kg (13.84 pounds). The record number for most gallstones removed from an individual is 3,110.

What precautions should be observed with adrenal gland scans?

not recommended for pregnant women because of the potential harm to the developing fetus. A pregnant woman should discuss with her doctor the risks of the procedure against the benefits of the information it can provide

How should a man grind inside a woman's vagina during sex.Which direction is more pleasurable for her?

take it from experience, in and out slowly, then move your hips clockwise with your dick inside.

Related questions

What does the pituitary gland do in a woman?

What anterior pituitary gland produces milk production in woman?

Anterior pituitary hormones include prolactin, which controls milk production.

When is the follicle-stimulating hormone test performed?

if a physician suspects the patient may have a disorder involving the reproductive system or pituitary gland. The pituitary gland produces FSH, which stimulates the growth of the sacks (follicles) that surround the eggs in a woman's ovaries

Is there any parfolene gland in woman body?

There is no gland called the parfolene gland. The liver is the largest gland in the human body.

Where is a woman's prostrate?

The woman do have a prostate, it is known as the Paraurethral Gland or Skene's Gland. and it was recognized by the Federative International Committee in Anatomical Terminology in 2002. It is found in the upper part of the woman's Urethra.

What was the name of the asylum that Esther escaped from in the movie orphan?

Esther was a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer, who posed as a 9-year-old girl. She suffered from hypopituitarism, a rare disorder where the pituitary gland stops working. She suffered from dwarfism as a result of the disorder.

What does high thyroid count mean?

TSH means thyroid stimulating hormone. The thyroid is responsible for controlling energy consumption, body temperature, weight, and heart rate; as well as your overall body metabolism. Your thyroid is dependent on your pituitary gland; another part of your endocrine system that is located at the back of the brain. Your pituitary gland produces the actual thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and regulates your TSH level; and it is the TSH levels produced by the pituitary gland that tells the thyroid to go to work. You may have an issue with the pituitary gland. Higher TSH levels than normal suggests a thyroid that is under-active and not doing its job of producing thyroid hormone.

Can a man father children if the prostate gland is removed?

Yes. A doctor will extract sperm from the man and implant the sperm in the women to fertilize an egg, or extract the sperm and through IVF, extract an egg from the women, fertilize it and implant it back into the woman.

Which of the following would be affected by removal of the prostate gland?

If the prostate gland is removed, the male will no longer be able to conceive a child naturally. Conception can occur with IVF, where the sperm is removed from the man's testicles and implanted in the woman's uterus. If the nerves that control erection are cut during prostate surgery, this can effect a man's ability to achieve an erection.

Why would a woman breast leak milk that have never been pregant?

Perhaps there are many possible factors such as:1. GROWTH HORMONES (GH) or somatotrophin and chicken prolactin/ovine prolactin administered by the poultry manufacturing industry in chickens, subsequently affects the pituitary gland to produce breast milk hormones (the fact that I've changed my diet from an Organic Raw Vegetarian to Semi Vegetarian which includes fish and poultry of non organic producers) which increase breast size in humans this would be chicken prolactin which increases the size of chickens and 'fattens' the chickens; (check out: GLAND STIMULATION from SUCKING THE BREASTSduring love making. The blood flow stimulates the glands of the breasts.;3. ENLARGED PITUITARY CONDITION -- The pituitary gland in addition to producing other hormones for glands like the adrenals (ACTH), growth hormones (GH), thryoid (TSH), follicles for hair (FSH), to name a few, also produces the prolactin hormone (PRL) for breast milk growth. An imbalance can cause a tumor in the Pituitary Gland called hyperprolactinaemia.4. MEDICATIONS such as metoclopramide or thioridazine cause increased levels of the prolactin hormone;5. DUCT ECTASIA in older women can increase milk secretion in the breasts.

Is there any known cases where a woman has become pregnant after her tubes have been removed?

No. There hasn't There has been cases that a woman can be pregnant with her tubes tied Not removed

What are the main reasons a woman must have her ovaries removed?

A woman would have to have her ovaries removed if there was an infection in her ovaries. An infection in a woman's ovaries can be serious and life threatening. it would be safer to just remove the ovaries.