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Q: A zygospore is a thick-walled structure characteristic of what phylum?
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What zygospore is a thick-walled structure characteristic of the phylum?

Zygomycota bruh' bruh' *in my Plies voice

A zygospore is thick-walled structure characteristic of the phylum?

Zygomycota ! (: You cant really answer this question because its worded badly but i had the question as well & it said that zygomycota is the answer !

Dark fuzz that grows very rapidly on bread is an example of?

zygospore fungi from the phylum zygomycota with 600 species AKA black bread mold

Which is a characteristic of deutromycota?

all organisms in the deuteromycota phylum are different which is why this phylum is known as the imperfect fungi group. the only characteristic that the fungi in the phylum have in common is they all have cell walls.

Why does a Iguana Belong to a chordata phylum?

Iguanas belong to the phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord at some stage of their development, either in their embryonic or adult form. The notochord is a flexible rod-like structure that provides support and structure to the body. This is a defining characteristic of the Chordata phylum.

What does the phylum Insecta mean in Greek?

The phylum Insecta means "cut into" in Greek, referring to the distinct body segments of insects. The name reflects the segmented body structure characteristic of insects.

What fungi belong in the phylum ascomycota?

they are also known as bread molds and one of the examples is the Rhizopus

Bilateral symmetry is characteristic of?

bilateral symmetry is not the characteristic of a single animal or phylum. phylum platyhelminthes, phylum nematoda, phylum annelida, phylum arthropoda, phylum mollusca, phylum echinodermata in the larval stage and vertebrates are bilaterally symetrical

Flagella are characteristic of members of which phylum?


What characteristic or member of this fungal phylum?

Flagellated gametes

Is a frog in phylum cordata?

No, frogs belong to the phylum Chordata. This phylum includes animals with a notochord at some stage of their development, which is a defining characteristic of chordates.

The first characteristic to consider when classifying an organism by kingdom?
