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zygospore fungi from the phylum zygomycota with 600 species AKA black bread mold

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Which grows faster Penicillium mold or bread mold?

I think Penicillium mold grows faster than bread mold!!!!!! Actually bread mold is just a general term. There any many species of mold that grow on bread, penicillium being one of them. Mold grows well in moist, warm, dark places.

Does bread with yeast spoil faster than bread without yeast?

Neither, the speed in which bread molds is not affected by light conditions, although it is affected by temperature and humidity.

How fast does white bread mold?

iit grows by 6 days to make the mold green and black if its in a dark and moist place.............

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Why does mold grow in the sun better on bread?

It doesn't. Mold grows best in dark damp places.

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Why does mold grow in the dark?

why does bread grow in the dark

Does bread mold faster in damp or dry areas?

Wet will mold faster as the moisture accelerates the growth (especially in a dark environment)

Why does bread mold grow when vinegar is added?

Mould spores are all around us, in the air and on the ground. When some of these spores make contact with bread, it sets the scene for mould growth. the mould grows faster under certain conditions, such as moisture and warmth.

Why does a dark bread need high gluten flour?

because they use different ingrediance for dark bread so it like needs more gluten flour then normal bread

What bread does mold grow on best?

Bread with moist and kept in a dark place.