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Q: Ab-inito is a term originated from language?
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What is meant by the term hititbet?

The term "hititbet" originated from the Basque language. The term "hititbet" simply means a method of betting, and is used in the English language to signify betting.

What is the meaning of ABINITO?

I believe that you are thinking of the Latin phrase, ab initio, which means from the beginning.

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The word "curriculum" originated from the Latin language.

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Tamil language was originated during the interval of 9th century.

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In France, where the language originated, French is the mother tongue of about 65 million people.

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lambada originated in Brazil. Their songs are in the portuguese language wich is the official language of Brazil

What country originated the term dumbbell?

The term originated in England during the Tudor period.

How did the term jargon originate?

The term jargon originated by referring to trade languages that are used by people who spoke their native language different than their own people, such as Chinook Jargon.

What does romantic language mean?

The language originated in Rome.

From what language does the term 'la chula' originate?

The term 'la chula' originated from Spanish in Mexico. It means 'the cool' in Spanish, but is not often used. It is sometimes used as a title for someone or something.

Why did language originate?

no one really knows why language was originated