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Unfortunately, no. If your updates are protected, only your followers can see them, includng any @replies you may make. If you've replied to someone not following you, they can't see any of your tweets, since you're protected.

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Q: About Twitter If you have your Tweets protected if you reply to someone and they will be able to see it And I follow them they don't follow me?
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What happens if you follow anyone on twitter?

When you follow someone on Twitter, their tweets will then appear on your "timeline". This means that you don't have to go to someone's individual profile to look at their tweets.

If you tweet someone who is not following you and your tweets are protected can they see your tweets?

If you protect your updates, the people who follow you CAN see your tweets, but ONLY the people who follow you.

What is the definition of a twitter follower?

A follower is someone who "follows" your tweets. Your tweets will appear on their timeline. Twitter follower - is someone who follows and subscribes to your tweets or post.

Can you hide who you follow on Twitter?

No. Everyone that is following you will be in your "Followers" list. However, if you do not have a protected account then anyone can view your tweets without you knowing. When you have a protected account you must approve who can follow you.

If you follow someone on twitter do they read your posts?

No it is one way they have to follow you for your tweets to go to their home page. -Levisspike

What does it mean to follow someone on Twitter?

To follow someone on Twitter, simply means you receive updates from that person/group. Updates on Twitter are short messages (140 characters or less). These updates are known as tweets. And anyone who follows you will see your tweets you have made on their wall when they sign in.

What does the padlock mean on twitter accounts?

It means they have protected their updates. In other words, it is a privacy setting that allows only the people who follow them (which they have approved) to see all their Twitter updates.

Can people who followed you see your activity if your tweets are protected?

Anyone that was following you before you protected your account can still see your tweets/activity unless you block them or they unfollow you.Once your account is protected, only those people that you accept can follow you and view your Twitter activity.

What does 'unblock someone' do on Twitter?

It allows them to view your tweets and follow you whereas they wouldn't be able to do that if they remained blocked.

Can you relpy to people that you follow on Twitter but don't follow you then Twitter is protect?

You can tweet someone even if their account is protected.

What does request a follow mean on twitter?

You only receive follower requests if you have protected your tweets. This means users can send you a request to follow you. You can choose to accept or deny the request. If you accept it then that user will be able to follow you and view your tweets.

How do you accept a person who wants to follow you on twitter?

If you have protected tweets, you will see a follower request on the right hand side sidebar of your homepage. Click on it and you can decide if you want to accept or deny the request. If you don't have protected tweets, anyone can follow you without your permission.