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It's definitely not like having a hamster.

Adoption fee will be around $50 and will hopefully include the neutering or spaying. If not the surgery alone will run about $300 unless you don't mind the rabbit marking it's territory around your entire house.

Yearly check ups, assuming your rabbit has no medical problems, will run about $50 per year

You'll need a cage and accessories so plan on at least another $100.

Bedding and food will cost about $30-40 per month

Toys and what not will cost another $100 per year

Plus, you'll have to bunny proof and replace all the things your rabbit ate, like power cords, power adapters, your rug, etc... Depending on the rabbit you could lose thousands.

And then, you have to consider that a rabbit, if well cared for, will live for 8-10 years.

It is an investment of both money & time but well worth it. They are absolutely fantastic pets if you take the time to treat them properly.
100 each if you get them off a unperfetional breeder

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12y ago
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13y ago

they can be anything up to about £45.00 it depends on the color and sex but i got my castor buck for £15.00 and my black doe for £25.00 so it also depend where you get them from hope this helpted

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12y ago

You can find them for 50 on craigs list.

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What is the smallest type of a lop eared bunny rabbit?

The smallest is the mini lop.

How much does an average baby bunny weight?

the weight of a rabbit depends on the type of rabbit. a mini-lop rabbit, for example, weighs on average about five or six pounds (this is a smaller breed of rabbit).

Is there such thing as a mini bunny?

yes its a bunny just being born (i think ).

What is the difference between a mini and a dwarf lop?

A mini lop rabbit is smaller than a dwarf lop rabbit.

What is a dog that cost around 500?

Chiauha P dwarf BABY Mini pincher

How do mini daschunds do with pet rabbits I have a pet rabbit who is not skittish but not super outgoing either I want a dog but the bunny is the first priority Is that a good dog with a rabbit?

There is no specific breed of a dog that get's along with other animals. It all depends on the dog's personality.

What is a Mini lop?

The Mini Lop is, in fact, classified a "small" rabbit. In the United States, the average rabbit breed weight is 9 pounds. Mini Lops maximum show weight is 6.5 pounds. To give you another example, the various Dwarf breeds max out at 4 pounds. The largest breed maxes out around 18-22 pounds, but does not technically have a maximum weight limit. (That is the Flemish Giant) A mini lop is a type of rabbit. They have shotish floppy ears and are not MINI! they are a medium size bunny. they get their name frome their "mini" ears.

Is the mini Rex smaller than the dwarf rabbit?

No, Mini Rex Rabbits are almost twice the size of a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit.

Can mini lops eat granola?

No. No bunny can eat granola, including mini lops. All domestic bunnies are the same, when it comes to diet: big or small they all have the same organs inside. See the related question below for more info about rabbit diet and nutrition.

What age does a mini Rex rabbit reproduce?

A mini rex rabbit can have 2-12 kits in a single litter.

What rabbit is good for a 10yr old child?

The Best rabbit for 10 years old child is a mini rabbit because for 10 years old child is hard to play with a big bunny and also is easy er to look aft er little rabbit. I'm 10 years old well no cos I'm 11 but any way this year 12 and i had big rabbit but is hard er to look aft er it and now i have mini rabbit and i can buy next one u know why? Because both feat in my Cage . bye bye tank's.

When does a mini lop rabbit reach full size?

A mini lop rabbit will probably reach its full size between 6 to 8 months