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Latin America.

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Q: About which region did Monroe specifically direct part of his Monroe define?
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Which region did Monroe direct most of his Monroe Doctrine?

South and Latin America.

Define industrial region?

the region which belongs to the industries .

Is your monroe named after Marilyn Monroe?

yes, the monroe piercing is generally named after Marilyn monroe, Madonna, or Cindy crawford, because of their beauty spots in that region.

What characteristic define region?

There are several characteristics that define a region. Some of the common ones include landforms, language, culture and so on.

What characteristics define a region?

A region is defined by its unique physical, cultural, economic, and political characteristics. These can include geographic boundaries, common language or customs, shared history, and similar industries or resources. Regions may also be defined by administrative or political divisions, such as states or provinces.

Define funcionnal region?

A functional region can be defined as a region that has specific characteristics that diminishes outwards.

What jobs did colonist have in the middle region?

Again, please define "the middle region."

Peoples feelings and attitudes about an area define what kind of region?

People's feelings and attitudes about an area define a perceptual region.People's feelings and attitudes about an area define a perceptual region.

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Roosevelt's corollary to the monroe doctrine focused on which region?

Latin America

What region did the us claim to protect in the monroe doctrine?

France & Spain

What features are used to define a physical region?
