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Q: According to Kilian et al (2005), several factors influence the quality of life in human settlements. Which of the following is NOT one of those factorsa.Electronic communicationb.Transport systemsc.Employmentd.Social services?
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According to legend, Rome was founded in the year 753 B.C. it most probably involved the unification of several independent settlements on what were to become the Seven Hill of Rome. Recent archaeological finds have confirmed this dating.

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According to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme website, the total number of residences in Aruba was 19,200 in 1995.Specifically, almost 65% of these residences were owner occupied. Renters accounted for 31% of these households. According to Every Culture's website, private ownership of residences is very important to Arubans.

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Who turned rome from a village of farmers into city?

According to the Roman tradition Rome was founded by Romulus in 753 BC. He did not turn Rome from a village into a city. Originally Rome was not just a village. It was a collection of independent settlements around what were to become the Seven Hills of Rome (the Capitoline, Palatine Caelian, Esquiline, Viminal and Aventine Hills). Romulus first became the ruler of the Palatine Hill and then unified the other settlements under his rule, became the first king of Rome and laid the foundations of the Roman state. Therefore, he founded a city-state with a collection of villages, rather than a city as such. This was similar to Sparta, which was a city-state made up of several settlements, rather than a single urban centre. With population growth Rome developed into a fully urban entity later, probably in the early 6th century BC.

What was the largest viking settlement in France during the middle ages?

According to historians the Scandinavian settlements and population was patchy. From place name evidence some areas were left free of Scandinavian settlement but the coastal regions of Pays de Caux and Cotentin were heavily populated. Also important, but to a lesser degree, were Seine Valley and the Plain of Caen and Bessin.

Understanding Cash Settlements?

Cash settlements provide an obligating party the means to make amends to another party by fulfilling a financial obligation through cash. Two types of cash settlements exist. The most common cash settlement occurs in a legal dispute. In this type of transaction, a wronged party is awarded cash as a means to settle a dispute. The other type of cash settlement refers to payments in a futures contract. Futures refer to derivatives that require the seller of a futures contract to provide a commodity or asset to the buyer on a specified date. In each scenario, a party is obligated by contract or court of law to pay another party cash to fulfill his or her financial obligation. Cash settlements settled in a court of law may be awarded because of disputes relating to wrongful death, accidents, employment discrimination, harassment, misdiagnosis, and other legal disputes. In each instance, both parties usually obtain legal representation. In most cases, attorneys can settle the case before it ever reaches the courtroom. In other instances, both parties must present their case before a judge. Once a decision is reached by the judge, a document will be issued to the awarded party designating the frequency by which the cash will be issued to the plaintiff. Futures cash settlements may be used as a form of payment when the commodity is the underlying security supporting the futures trade. On the security’s trade date, a cash settlement will be awarded as payment to secure the transaction. In general cash settlements are made according to the profit or loss made in the futures trade rather than the actual physical exchange of the commodity underlying the security. The costs and time associated with physically transferring the commodity would be incredibly cumbersome and costly. Therefore, traders accept the difference between the cash position when purchased and the cash position when sold. Cash settlements, in either instance, are legally binding in a court of law. If the obligating party does not pay, then that party may be ordered to pay the amount by the courts. Legal entities may make arrangements with the obligated party in order to pay the agreed upon amount.