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Q: According to Bohr's model of the atom what do electrons oxygen bohrs like?
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What was niel bohrs discovery?

The Bohr model!

What is the nickname for bohrs model of atoms?

the planetary model

Why did scientists revise bohrs model?

Scientists determined that electrons do not orbit the nucleus like planets. Instead, electrons can be anywhere in a cloud like region around the nucleus

How was bohrs atomic model similar to Rutherford's model?


Why was bohrs model accepted widely?

yep- pretty sure

Calculte the radius of bohrs second orbit for He plus cation?


What is Bohr atomic model name?

Neil Bohrs atomic model is simply called Bohrs model. It states that electrons have a certain amount of energy, so they must follow certain orbits. This is different from the modern atomic model.

Why could bohrs model be called the planetary model of the atom?

cleveland calvilers

What does Bohrs diagram represent?

it represents where the atoms, protons, Atomic Mass, atomic number, and electrons where they are located on the nucleus.

How does an element or a compound gain or lose ions?

If 2 are attracted to each other then they exchange (lose or gain) electrons so that their outer shell can be full. You should google bohrs theory and diagrams.

What is Bohrs model an atom?

Spherical model of the atom explaining radiation.

what did bohrs model of the atom include that rutherfords model did not have?

Niels Bohr introduced the notion of electronic orbits.