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Q: According to Columbus the arawak extraordinary visitor who came from?
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Who where the natives Columbus met?


Who had to do with the killing of the Arawak Indians?

Christopher Columbus was the main source behind the elimination of the Arawak Indians.

What did Christopher Columbus find in Jamaica?

he found the Arawak Indians

Why did the Arawak people at first greet Columbus with hospitality?

rapist and druggies

What tribe did Columbus wipe out?

He wiped out the Arawak Indians a few years after he got there.

What was the Indian's name who Christopher Columbus first met?

Lucayan-Arawak Indians

Who was the first explorers to discover Puerto Rico?

the early natives of Cuba were the taino the Arawak and the ciboney

Indian tribe that first greeted Columbus and later extorted and pushed to near extinction?


What tribe did Cristopher Columbus meet on Hispaniola and what happend?

Arawak Indians, were the ones that Christopher Columbus would meet up with. The English words canoe and tobacco came from Arawak through Spanish. The Spanish saw canoes and tobacco for the first time among the Arawak. The Arawak Indians were farmers. They planted yams, cotton, and cassava, a root crop. The Arawak were known for a dish called "pepper pot," a sort of stew that was made from manioc juice, vegetables, red pepper and meat. Many Arawak Indians would eventually die of disease and forced labor after the Spanish invasion. But, a few tribes live today along the Xingu River in Brazil. The Arawak traded with Columbus. He looked to see if they had any gold, and saw they had small bits of jewelry. He found from them that they had very little gold, but that there was a source of gold farther south. There is a link below.

What do you think of Columbus?

I think Columbus is a Italian explorer who sailed the ocean in 1492 and landed in the Caribbean. I also think that he is a mean man who treated the Arawak's wrong and treated them like salves. So in conclusion, i think that Christepher Columbus is lucky that he got out of jail and got to go another voyage when he treated the Arawak's (the people who live in the Caribbean) very wrong.

Who did Columbus meet when he landed in America?

Christopher Columbus met the Native Indians when he reached America.

What native tribes did Columbus run into?

Christopher Columbus sailed many times but the tribes he encountered was the Taino and the Arawak.