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Q: According to Greek mythology who was the son of Neptune the god of the sea?
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Name The God Of The Seas?

Neptune was the god of water and the sea. His Greek equivalent was Poseidon.

What is the roman god of sea called?

In Greek mythology it is Poseidon. But in Roman mythology, it is Neptune.

Who is a god of water?

He is called Poseidon in Greek mythology, and Neptune in Roman mythology.

What is the Greek mythology Poseidon?

In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea and, as "Earth-Shaker," of earthquakes. Neptune in Roman mythology.

What is Neptune the greek gods skill?

Neptune is the Roman form of Poseidon (Greek). In Greek mythology, Poseidon was god of the sea, whereas in Roman mythology he (Neptune) was closely associated with rivers also.

What is the myth of Neptune the planet?

Neptune is also known as Poisiden, he is the Greek god of the sea and is also brother of Zeus the god of the sky. According to Greek and Roman mythology. So the planet Neptune is named after a ancient God.

Was Poseidon a Roman?

Poseidon in Greek mythology is the god of the Sea, but in Roman mythology, he is Neptune.

What is Neptune's mythological?

Neptune was a Roman God, Lord of the Seas. He is known as Poseidon in Greek mythology.

Witch person named Neptune?

In Roman mythology Neptune (Greek: Poseidon) was the god of the Sea.

What was the name of god of sea according to greek methodology?

Poseidon. He was named Neptune in Roman mythology. He is not only god of the sea, but god of earthquakes, horses, and hail.

Who is king Neptune?

Neptune is the Roman name of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. He was on the Greek side of the battle with Troy.

What you would like to know is what was the name of the King of the Sea of Neptune in Greek Mythology?

In Greek mythology Poseidon was the god of the sea.