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Q: According to Locke why do people choose to live under governmental rule?
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According to Locke what are three natural rights that all people have?

People have the rights to life, liberty, and happiness. They also have the right to choose their government.

Who did john Locke believe have governmental power?

the coco puff man

How were the rights of the people protected according to john Locke?

John Locke said that his laws and beliefs should not be changed.

Did john Locke believe that the government should run according to the general will of the people?


According to Locke people have the right to rebel against or abolish the government when it?

Does not protect people's "natural" rights.

What are the natural rights with which people are born according to john locke?

life liberetyy and property.

According to john Locke who does inalienable rights in a social contract belong to?

John Locke believes that inalienable rights in a social contract belong to the people. People need government but the government needs to do what is best for the people.

What is the purpose of government according to John Locke?

It is to protect and safeguard an individual's protect its citizens from each other and to provide for the common defense

Who gives people natural rights?

According to John Locke God gave man natural rights.

According to john Locke what fundamental element made government legitimate?

Basically John Locke says that only as long as people continue to consent to government will it be legitimate.

What was the purpose of government according to Locke?

According to john Locke, the purpose of government is to protect human rights and preserve public order

What was the purpose of Government according to John Locke?

According to john Locke, the purpose of government is to protect human rights and preserve public order