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Q: According to the First Amendment Congress is forbidden to establish?
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What is congress forbidden to establish?

The First Amendment forbids Congress from establishing a religion the way England did when it created the Anglican Church.

What type of tax is congress forbidden to establish?

Congress is forbidden to lay tax on goods exported out of states. This is also referred to as a duty.

Which amendment empowered Congress to levy an income tax?

The 16th amendment was passed in 1913 to establish Congress right to impose a federal income tax.

What amendment establish department of interior?

None. Congress established it by statutory law.

What powers guaranteed by the 10th amendment belong to the states or the people and are not given to Congress if they are not forbidden to the states?

Reserved Powers

Does congress have the power to establish an official church of the US?

No, the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states in part: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

What forbids congress from passing laws that establish a single religion for the us?

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits Congress from passing laws that establish a single religion for the United States. This is known as the Establishment Clause, which ensures the separation of church and state and protects religious freedom for all citizens.

What amendment did Congress pass in 1865 and what did the amendment do?

The amendment that Congress passed in 1865 was the Thirteenth amendment and it banned slavery in the United States.

What cameral congress did the Articles of Confederation establish?

What cameral congress did the articles of confederation establish? The Continental Congress

Why did Congress add the 14th amendment to the declaration when they did?

Why did Congress add the 14th amendment?

What is the 29th amendment?

There is no 29th amendment to the United States Constitution. The Constitution currently has 27 amendments that have been ratified.

What percentage of congress does it take to propose an amendment?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change pieces of the Constitution to better suit the nation's rights. According to Article V, two-thirds of Congress must deem it necessary in order to propose an amendment. To ratify the amendment, three-fourths of the states must approve.