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When we consider the position of geologic layers, the ones on top are said to be superpositioned, and these upper layers are, in general, younger than layers below them. The thinking is that the upper layers were set down or laid down on the lower ones, so the lower ones have to be older than the upper ones for that to be true.

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Q: According to the law of superposition which layer is oldest and youngest?
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Superposition can best be explained new layer on old layer?

Superposition is the theory that the rock layer that is on top is the youngest and the layer of rock on the bottom is the oldest.

What rock layer is the youngest?

The principle of superposition states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the youngest will be at the top, the oldest at the bottom.

What is the definition for principal of superposition?

states that the lowest rock in layers is the oldest and the highest is the youngest rock layer

According to the law of superposition the lowest layer in a cross section of rock is what?

is the oldest

What is the law of superposition and why is it essential to our interpretation of earths history?

The Law of Superposition states that the oldest layer is at the bottom and the youngest at the top. Therefor, what is new builds upon what is preexisting.

What is law of superpostion?

In geology, the law of superposition states that in any undisturbed sequence of rocks that are deposited in layers, the oldest layers are on the bottom. Each layer is younger than the layer below it.

Applying the law of superposition dates can be determined?

By applying the law of superposition, relative dates can be determined. This law states that in any undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, the youngest layer is on top and the oldest is on the bottom.

What is law of Superposition of forces?

In horizontal sedimentary rock layer the oldest layer at the bottom. Each higher is the youngest than the layer below it.

Which layer of rock is the oldest?

The basement is a term sometimes used, and Cratonis another used in a continental context.The Principle of Superposition has it that in a given formation, the top layers are the youngest, and the deeper layers the oldest.

Is the top layer of rock the youngest layer?

According to the Law of Superposition, in a depositional sequence of undisturbed rock layers, the top layer of rock is the most recent to form from the processes of lithification or eruption of lava onto the surface, and are therefore the youngest rock layers.

When principle states that the oldest rock layer is found at the bottom in an undisturbed stack of rock layers?

It is called Superposition.

What layer is the youngest layer in the sedimentary rock?

The one closest to the surface because rock layers are laid down one on top of another.