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According to the rock cycle, there are three main classifications of rocks. Igneous rocks form when molten rock cools to a solid state; sedimentary rocks form when sediments are compressed together or hardened, or when crystals form from aqueous solutions; metamorphic rocks are rocks that are changed from one form to another by extreme heat or pressure.

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Q: According to the rock cycle what transitions are possible?
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What is the main concept behind the rock cycle?

The rock cycle is a fundamental concept in geology that describes the dynamic transitions through geologic time among the three main rock types: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous

How can one type of rock become another type of rock how is it possible?

One type of rock can transform into another type of rock through the process of metamorphism, which occurs due to changes in temperature, pressure, or the presence of fluids. During metamorphism, the mineral composition and texture of the rock can change, resulting in the formation of a new type of rock. This process usually takes place deep within the Earth's crust over long periods of time.

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Is it possible for the rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentary rock?


Is it possible for rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentare rocks?


Is it possible for rocks to skip sedimentary in the rock cycle?

Yes a rock can change from metamorphic to igneous back to metamorphic the rock cycle does not go in order unless magma cools into igneous and sediment changes into sedimentary rock

What is slide transition how is it different from slide animation?

well,according to the internet,the difference is slide transitions are wierd and nerdy,and slide animations are ace!!GO ANIMATION,,U ROCK ON!!POOP TRANSITIONS-GO TO HELL!! anything is hell i tell yu hell

What is the endpoint of a rock cycle?

the endpoint of a rock cycle is the metamorphic rock

Does the rock cycle have to start from the sedimentary rock?

No, the rock cycle does not have to start from the sedimentary rock

What does the rock cycle and water cycle have in common?

The rock cycle and water cycle both are natural.

What is the rock cycle including descriptions of how one type of rock can change into another type?

It is called the Rock Cycle.

Why does the uniformitarian rock cycle appear to mot be a true cycle?

it is a true cycle because it the rock cycle