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Q: According to theories concerning the origin of life the atom shown is a likely choice for the basic element of all livings things because it?
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What are two ancient greek theories of matter?

Dalton's Atomic theory: all elements contain tiny atoms, that's the only way an element is pure because al atoms of an element were identical and it also explains the identical masses

Are theories always completely accepted or rejected?

No. Very few theories are completely accepted or rejected; most theories go through several iterations of modification and adjustment. Even the most ridiculous theory has at least SOME element of validity, and the best theories aren't 100% perfect.

How diffraction grating could be used as the dispersive element?

Diffraction grating could be used as the dispersive element because of the ability of light to be broken according to various wavelength.

What element caused the Hindenberg crash?

there are many different theories as to why it crashed. so why ya askin! Figure it out!

Is Hg a compound or element?

It is an element because it is in the periodic table.

Are all theories always completely accepted or completely rejected?

Fact supported theories and not guesses, but reliable accounts of the real world. Most theories accepted by scientists have been repeatedly tested by experiments and thus can be used to make predictions, which are then most likely to be true

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yes, because this barriers are essential in communicating, it is an obstacles in communication concerning language of people involved, the environment and those of immediate situation can obstruct the flow of meaning and cause communication breakdown.

Is air is element or compound?

air is a compound and also an element. its a compound because it has carbon dioxide (CO2) and its an element because it has oxygen (O2).

Is boron an element'?

No, because the phrase "endangered element" is nonsense.

Is ammonia a element or molecule?

its an element because ammonia is an acid

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What element is named after einstin?

According to Google, that element is called :Einsteinium (Es, 99) - Albert Einstein.