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i dnt know the reason for it but try benedryl it should help.

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Q: Aching joints slight headache red rash over most of the body and lethagic?
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What condition comes with these symptoms aching joints slight headache red rash over most of the body which is heightened in warm areas and comes with dark red spots on the roof of the mouth?

most probably, its a German measle, while i am typing this,i have all those symptoms you have stated. i don't know if im going to die..

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What does chottozutsu mean in Japanese?

I have a slight headache ちょっと (chotto) = a little 頭痛 (zutsū)= headache

What is a sentence using the word slight?

I noticed a slight change in the temperature as the sun began to set.

How do you know your feeling light-headed?

you fell hungry or have a slight headache

Slightly movable joints?

allow only slight movement.The joints present between the vertebrae of the backbone and the joints between the ribs and the breastbone are the examples of slightly movable joints.

Is it normal to have a slight pain in your head for only a few seconds without it being any type of headache or migraine?

Headache is a symptom of pain in the head. Migraine is a disease which can include headache. It is possible to have short pain in your head, but that would be a headache - a symptom. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorder and disease, please seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

What are example of joints?

Synarthrotic-These joints are "fiberous" and don't move a lot.Skeletal sutureAmphiarthrotic-This joint only permits slight movement. RibsDiarthrotic-Freely moveing joint.

What are the example of joints?

Synarthrotic-These joints are "fiberous" and don't move a lot.Skeletal sutureAmphiarthrotic-This joint only permits slight movement. RibsDiarthrotic-Freely moveing joint.

Can Livingston-Wheeler therapy cause side effects?

Reported side-effects include malaise, slight fever, aching, tenderness at the site of vaccine injections, and appetite problems.

Joints between the carpal bones are?

The joints between the carpal bones are synovial joints, specifically gliding joints. These joints allow for small amounts of movement between the carpal bones to help with wrist flexibility and stability. The surrounding ligaments provide additional support to these joints.

What disk separates slightly movable joints?

The disc of cartilage is there in pubic symphysis. It allows slight movement in that joint.