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Q: Adjacent cardiac muscle cells are firmly attached to each otherby modified plasma membranes called?
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What attaches cardiac muscle fibers together?

The myocardial cells are connected through tight junctions and gap junctions between the cell membranes of adjacent cells. The myocardium as a whole is covered by the pericardium on the outside and the endocardium on the inside.

The specialized membranes that permit electric impulses to pass between cardiac muscle cells are called?


What type of muscle are not attached to skin?

Cardiac muscles, and smooth muscles .

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are this?

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated muscles.

Are cardiac muscles attached to the bones?

No. Cardiac muscles are attached to the pericardium - a layer of tissue that surrounds the heart and the Great Vessels. The sac rests on the diaphragm and is connected by various bits of connective tissue to the thoracic cavity.

What are muscles found around bone?

All skeletal muscles are attached to bones. Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are not attached to bone.

What are all the cardiac muscles?

The cardiac muscle is the heart (myocardium). Although inside the heart there are smaller muscles that are attached to the flaps of the valves called the Papillary muscles.

What is Modified trendelenburg position?

The modified trendelenburg position can be demonstrated by a person lying down and raising their legs at a 45 degree angle. This position is supposed to assist in blood flow and is assumed to aid cardiac functioning and the absorption of oxygen in a person's system.

Does cardiac muscles have sarcomeres?

Only striated muscles have sarcomeres , Skeletal and Cardiac muscles have sarcomeres. As for smooth muscles they doesnt have sarcomeres , since the Z lines are attached to dense bodies

Why is the sphincter at the top of the stomach called the cardiac sphincter?

i thought it was that the "cardiac" stomach provided energy for the cardiovascular system, but im not sure.

How does the cardiac muscle work as a functional syncytium?

cardiac muscle operates as a functional syncytium, although it's not a true syncytium, because each myocardial cell has its own nucleus within its own membrane. Cardiac muscle functions as a syncytium due to the presence of low resistance connections between adjacent cells, and when an action potential is generated, the atria or the ventricle contract together.

What muscles are straighted?

There are three types of muscle tissue: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. Smooth muscle lines the walls of hollow organs and are involuntary. Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton and its main function is voluntary movement. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Both skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue is striated, smooth is not.