

Best Answer
Twin-lens Reflex -

Advantages -

  • Viewfinder image matches image size.
  • No image blackout at the moment of exposure.

Disadvantages -

  • Parallax is a problem at close distances.
  • Reversed image (image is upright but reversed left to right).
  • Most don't have interchangeable lenses (exception - Mamiya C-series).
  • Can be relatively large and heavy.
Single Lens Reflex -

Advantages -

  • Finder image matches that of the film (no parallax problem but may not have the same coverage as the film plane).
  • Interchangeable lenses and accessories such as bellows or extension tubes.
  • Image is upright and correct left to right.

Disadvantages -

  • Finder image is dimmed by light loss of lens and prism (potentially a problem when working in low light levels).
  • Blackout of view at moment of exposure (some remain blacked out until the film is wound).
  • Movement of mirror and diaphragm may contribute to camera shake.
  • Relatively noisy operation.

twin lens still exist but are not really used anymore, plus the only use film not digital chip

also in our time now its more of antiqe and can be very high priced ^_^

cheers, hope that anwsers u ;)

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Q: Advantage and disadvantage of twin-lens reflex camera?
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SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex. It means that the lens is removable and interchangeable. It also means that you're getting better picture quality as well as a faster shutter speed. Typically with an SLR there is a larger image sensor inside the camera that doesn't compress the photo as much as a simple point and shoot camera would.

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The camera that is best used for crime scene photography is a single-lens reflex camera, also known as SLR. This camera allows you to use interchangeable lens.