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Reduced food prices and disease reduction by reducing vectors of some diseases are a couple.

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Q: Advantage to the use of pesticides in society?
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Advantage and disadvantage of modern farming?

The disadvantage of modern agriculture is that the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has a negative effect on the environment. The advantage of the modern agriculture is that the use of machine and the use of large irrigation systems help boost the crop production.

The discipline of chemistry has made agricultural chemicals such as fertilizer and pesticides available to society. Which is a negative effect of these chemicals on society?

Uncontrolled use can cause environment contamination.

Why dont organic farmers use pesticides?

They do. They just use organic pesticides, natural compounds which help control or suppress a given pest.

Why do famers use pesticides?

Famers use pesticides the keep their crops healthy and to kill pests

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to make the plants healthier

Which use of pesticides is most dangerous for humans?

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Pesticides are helpful for increasing the food supply . which use of pesticides is most dangerous for humans?

spreading pesticides with airplanes

How do you protect birds from pesticides?

All you can do is to stop using pesticides or restrict their use..

Do schools use pesticides?

for what

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How can pesticides cause deformities in frogs?

The use of pesticides in farming causes deformities in nearby frog populations.