

African violets can be grown from?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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African violets can be grown from; seeds, by putting down a leaf along with 1/2 inch of stem, or by re-rooting the whole crown (center area where the new leaves grow from) cut off main stem at soil line, remove enough leaves (pop stem and leaf off at the main stem) so there are three rows of leaves remaining. Now, you will want to keep a length of about three to four inches to plant in the soil, with a knife scrape the main stem of the crown and press it into the soil up to the bottom row of leaves. New roots will grow in about four weeks. Water, place pot and crown into a zip lock bag until well rooted about 2 months.

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What time of year do African violets usually grow most?

African violets can be grown all year round in the house using flourescent lights or a North window.

Where are violets grown?

If your asking about African violets they can be found in some plant nursuries or in your local hardware store. They can be found online also. African violets are sold pretty much all over the world. I have shipped to different countries when I had my business.

What is the skeletal structure of African violet?

African violets are grown to show as a single crowned specemin in standard, large, miniature sizes. There are also trailing multiple crowned varieties. African violets are very much, full of liquid.

What is the scientific name for African violets?

The scientific name for African violets is Saintpaulia.

Do African violets have any predators?

No, African violets are not endangered, many hobbyists grow them and show them. However, most of the African violets grown by hobbyists are hybrids. On another hand, some subspecies of the Saintpaulia species (the African violets as they were discovered in the nature) are endangered.

Are African violets autotrophic or heterotrophic?

African Violets are plants and make their own food, so they are autotrophs.

Can African violets cause an allergic reaction?

Yes, African violets emit pollen which can trigger an allergy.

Do African violets have flowers?

Yes, indeed they do. African violets have beautiful flowers, they grow in many colors.

Can people eat African violets?


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Will frost kill your morning glory?

Yes, frost will kill African violets. African violets should be grown indoors or in a protected environment. They can not survive direct sunlight, frost, or elements outside like extreme weather and pests. Wild violets will survive outside. There are some varieties in hardware or nursury areas.

Is growing African violets a good hobby?

Growing African violets for a hobby is a lot of fun. You can even join the African violet association www.avsa join a club near you and start showing your African violets, it's very rewarding. Also, this is a wonderful hobby for children.