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Q: After a PICC line is placed the xray should show the tip where?
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What is runway threshold light?

these are the lights that are placed in the areas where the aircraft first touches the runway. the runway threshold ligts should be placed perpendicular to runway center line and as close as possible.The lights should show visible green in the direction of aircraft.

Why do you use a line graph and bar graph?

A line graph is most often used to show the passage of time, and the points are placed in a specific order to show the change from one point to the next. A bar graph displays a set of statistics with no particular order to them.

Which way should you move on a number line to show an increase or gain?

To the right.

What should line graph show?

Whatever information is in the data in a clear and honest way.

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The "caret" symbol (^) is commonly used as a printer's mark to indicate where an insertion should be made in a sentence or text. It is placed in the line where the insertion is needed, and the inserted text is usually written in the margin or indicated with a corresponding caret mark in the margin to show where it should be added.

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A line plot is a graph used to show frequency of data along a number line. You should use a line plot with less than 25 numbers to compare.

What is placed at the beginning of the staff to show the pitch of each line and space of that staff?

it is the cleff I think what you are looking for is the key signature.

Can you show Vacuum line diagram for 1992 sierra 1500?

THERE should be a digram on the fan shroud

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to the "full" line

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It shows the past as wel as current scenario....

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To show a highway or road on a map, you will see it just shows a thinish or thickish line. That's what a highway,or road should look like on a map that you will look at and see.

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The contestant must race to a barrel placed at the far end of a space at a starting line. On the barrel, a catalog is placed which the contestant must either ride to dismount and tear out a given page number or tear the page while on the horse. Then, ride back to the starting line. The fastest time is the winner.