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Q: After a getting with a girl will a man want to do it again?
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NO,his wife has to know if he want to get married again

What does it man if a girl calls you man Like Yeah Man?

what this usually means is that she doesn't want you to view her as someone to like. You call your friends "man"...Example: "Hey man, when are we hanging again? When a girl says "man" to a gentleman it means she is looking to be viewed as a friend instead of a girl you can start liking. Hence the word "man."I know this from experience..but it doesn't mean that she does not like you...It can be for many reasons..Either; She likes another person and doesn't feel right liking another. Or she simply wants a male friend.

What does it mean when a man calls you a 'good girl'?

they really want you to get naughty

If a guy likes a girl but another girl likes him is you who is cute getting the girl the guy likes getting to like you so the guy gets jealous and he now likes the other girl?

BE YOURSELF honey if he's a good man he'll take real WOMAN instead of a fake GIRL of your natuarlly jelous show thaat but if you normally are and don't show it he will figure it out and then OOPS your SINGLE AGAIN! IF YOU NEED ANY MORE HELP CONTACT ME BIANCA3!

Would a girl want to see Iron Man 2?

It depends what type of girl they are and what type of movie they enjoy.

If a girl gave her number to a man what does it mean does the girl interested to that man?

Most times yes it means she would like to talk to him or see him again. There are times as well as they could just be friends.

What can a girl do to keep a man wanting her over and over again?

In my opinion, you should just be yourself. Don't try to be something that will make a man want you over and over, just being yourself should be enough for him. If it isn't, then you should find another guy.