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It is destroyed by decomposition

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Q: After an organism dies what happens to the nitrogen in the body?
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What happens to the nitrogen in organism's body when the organism dies?

When an organism dies the nitrogen in its body it is released by action of decomposers. A desert is a biome that is very dry and little precipitation.

When an organism dies the nitrogen in its body do what?

the nitrogen in its body is released by the action of decomposers

What happen to the nitrogen in an organism after it dies?

Well, most of the Nitrogen in an organism's body is excreted as urine, urea or ammonia.

When an organism dies what happens to the nutrients in its body?

when the nuorganism dies the nutrient cant move or be doing what is normal does it doesnt have the power to do it

What happens when one organism eats another?

The organism dies and is digested from the organism it was eaten by.

What happens to an organism thats fails to maintain homeostasis?

If your body fails to maintain homeostasis it can result in disease or death.

What role do consumer in the nitrogen cycle?

consumers eat the plant which has nitrogen in it and when the animal, or organism dies the nitrogen goes back to the soil and to the plant est.

What happens when a plant gets no nitrogen?

Turns yellow and dies

When an organism dies what happens?

It dissolves almost like. When something dies everything tends to completely vanish due to the fact that the body may rot or become bone matter.

What happens when an organism dies in an area with low oxygen?

it dies and cant breathe cuz its dead so who cares what happens after?

How does most of the carbon in an organism body return to the environment after the organism dies?


When an organism dies the nitrogen in its body is released by the action of what?

Many living organisms may feed on other organisms that have died. Eventually bacteria free the nitrogren in proteins to the atmosphere.