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Q: After conquering France where did Germany set up a interim government?
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Did Germany try to colonize France?

Germany didn't try to colonize France, Germany succeeded in colonizing France in 1940 after the French government surrendered to Germany.

Do Great Britain France and Germany have unitary governments?

Great Britain and France have unitary governments; Germany has a federal government.

What type of government does Germany have and why?

It has a federal parliamentary government. This government was chosen under the direction of West Germany's occupiers, France, England and the USA.

Which was more important the battle of Dunkirk or when Germany conquered France?

The one was a part of the other. Germany was in the process of defeating the French and British armies and conquering France when the main British force and some French troops retreated to Dunkirk. Michael Montagne

When did France move to Germany's side and why during world war 2?

They were taken over and the French government wanted a say in the war. However, it was mostly a puppet government (Germany controlled it). It was called Vichy France

The Vichy government of France adopted which policy after Germany conquered France?

Germany was allowed 3/5 of France, including the whole Atlantic coast, and France would keep the rest. France would have to pay for the expenses produced by the German troops stationed in France, and would also have to deport all of the Jews to Germany

What was the name of the French puppet government set up by Germany in southeastern France in 1940?

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What policy did the vichy government adopt after Germany coquered France?

A pro-German policy.

After the fall of France he set up a government in exile?

You must be referring to Charles De Gaulle who set up a pro-allied frence government after Germany took North France and Vichy France took South France. De Gaulle had his French government based in Algiers.

Name 3-4 countries with democratic government?

United Kingdom, France, Germany and the USA.

What did the french people do when Germany entered France during world war 2?

They surrendered to the Germans and the French Vichey Government sided with Germany

Why did the Germans let France run Vichy France and Free France?

The Germans didn't let the "free French" government run anything. It was known as the Free French government IN EXILE because they had to get out of France and all German-controlled areas. The only government the NAZIs recognized in France was the one that was allied with Germany, the Vichy gov't.