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Call your local District Attorney's Office and tell them you no longer wish to pursue charges. Once you sign the Citizen's Arrest form that gives them a right to arrest the suspect. In order for something to be a crime there has to be a victim.

If you decide not to follow through and not go to court, there would be no victim/crime. You could also be jailed for failure to show up for your subpoena but that wont happen most likely.

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Q: After filing assault charges on someone is it to late to drop the charges?
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Legally as defined by the courts -- yes. However, is it worth filing charges, probably not as the DA will probably drop charges, unless the act was with the intent to harm you in some way

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YOU cannot have the charges dropped by yourself. Such an assault is a crime against the state and only the prosecutor can 'drop' the charges. If you are a reluctant 'complaining witness' speak to the prosecutor about your hesitation to go forward.

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Can you have the state drop charges of domestic assault in Maryland?

if they want to

How do you drop assault charges in Virginia?

One way to file assault charges in the state of Virginia is to have police officer come to your home. A person can also visit the local courthouse and press charges there.

Can the victim of assault drop the charges in Iowa?

Generally not. The prosecution is in the hands of the prosecutor, and only the prosecution can decide to drop or pursue a case.

Is there a law out there for 2nd degree agree assault were wife can drop charges on husband if it the first affense?

no one u press charges they are final the person who u pressed charges on will have to answer to those charges. you might be able to drop them afterwards depending on what the judge chooses to do.

Can a wife drop assault charges after a police report has been made?

No. Once the police report has been made and an arrest made, only the prosecutor has the authority to "drop" criminal charges. You may contact the prosecuting attorney and request that the charges be dismissed, but it is not up to you.

What if you do not want to press charges any longer?

just let the police know. Answer Go to the particular police that charges were filed with and tell them that you would like to drop the charges. If the person has other offenses, sometimes the police will not drop the charges even though you want to...such as assault, domestic violence, etc. They can take over at some point and it will not matter if you wish to drop charges. If it is an isolated incident, usually they will drop the charges at your request. It depends on the situation, the police agency.

If you press charges on someone and then drop the charges and the case is closed can they reopen the case so you can press charges again?

yes you can

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You don't, only a prosecutor can "press" or "drop" charges against someone.

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