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No. Once the police report has been made and an arrest made, only the prosecutor has the authority to "drop" criminal charges.

You may contact the prosecuting attorney and request that the charges be dismissed, but it is not up to you.

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Q: Can a wife drop assault charges after a police report has been made?
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How long before charges are dropped if a police report isn't filed?

Something is missing from this question. If no report has been filed, charges can't be placed. You can't have one without the other.

A man got up to 2 inches from your face and screamed and swore at you you felt threatened is this assault in Mass?

Yes, he invaded your "personal space" in (as you describe it) an apparent fit of uncontrollable rage - you would have been justified in pushing him away in order to regain your personal space and room to react to any possible physical assault. You would NOT have been justified in striking a blow at him however. But does it qualify as assault? And if someone presses charges for assault what is the usual outcome? Added: Only the police can "press charges" - if you (or the other party) report an assault to the police they will have to investigate and if 'probable cause' is found to bring the charge, they will either obtain a warrant or make a summary arrest. If yo ufeel that you were assaulted by this "screaming" episode, I would report the incident to the police and let them handle it from there. See the below link for a webpage that describes the Massachussetts Laws pertaining to Crimes Against Persons.

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What you are looking for is a statute of limitations. This varies from place to place. If you have been assaulted, call the police. The authorities make the decision about whether or not to file charges, not you.

What is the penalty for harassment with physical contact in the state of Kentucky?

Your elaborations on the question have been moved to the discussion section. You have not filed charges. You have filed a civil complaint for a protective order, and may have made a report to the police. Private individuals are not permitted to file criminal charges. Only the state, through the prosecuting attorney, can do this. If you have made a report to the police, you would need to follow up with the police to find out if the case has been referred to the local prosecutor. You would also want to follow up with the criminal prosecutor to determine if/when they will file criminal charges. If the prosecutor does opt to file criminal charges, and if the defendant is convicted, the punishment would be determined by the judge.

Can you change your story after a police report has been made?

i made a police report now i wish i had not

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If no action has been initiated by the school administration, accompanied by the videotape. report it as an offense to your local law enforcement agency.

Has Steve-O ever been arrested?

Yes he was arrested for assault charges in 2002.

Can someone press charges against you if you got hurt too?

Individuals do not file or "press" criminal charges. Only the state, through the prosecuting attorney, can do this. If a person believes a crime has been committed, he or she can contact the police and make a report. The police will then investigate the accusations and process them as necessary. Being hurt in an altercation is not a defense to criminal charges stemming from the altercation.

What problems has Justin bieber been into in the past?

Assault charges, DUI charges, Drug charges, Vandalism, and some more. He is a rich punk, that thinks he is above the law.

How do you drop sexual assault charges Canada?

Although not a Canadian - I believe the laws of both our countries are similar enoogh to say that YOU, as an individual, can neither bring nor drop sex assault charges. Once the assault report has been made to law enforcement it wouild be up to the prosecutor, not the victim, to determine if there were sufficient information to proceed with the case or not.

Can you file charges when 17 without a parent signature?

Define "file charges." Individuals can NOT file charges, they can only make REPORTS of a criminal incident to the police. You ARE old enough to make a police report, however, unless you have been granted legal emanciopation in your state, you are not yet of "legally sufficient" age to bring a civil lawsuit against anyone on your own behalf.

Can someone who has been charged with domestic assault obtain a gun permit?

If the charges have been dismissed, yes. If the charges are pending, or have resulted in a conviction, no. Check with a local attorney to be sure.