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Q: After knee replacement surgery i can not move my big toe up or forward?
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How would your legs move if your knees were ball and sockets joints?

Your knee is a HINGE JOINT because this joint allows you to move your knee forward and backward in a motion. If your knee was a ball and socket joint you would not be able to to move your leg backwards.

What part of your body helps you walk?

There are many parts of the body that help you walk. First you have to move your hip, then it comes to the knee to move forward, then its the foot that simply has to do its move frontward.

What is ttt knee surgery?

A TTT stands for Tibial Tubercle Transfer. Basically, you know the bump below your knee (tibial tubercle) they move that, by breaking that off your tibia with the patellar tendon attached and move it to a more 'appropriate' place. After they move it, they screw it into place with either one or two screws.

When cycling forward in a straight line the knee is rotating about an axis?

When cycling forward in a straight line, the knee joint flexes and extends, rather than rotating about an axis. The rotation occurs at the hip joint, allowing the leg to move in a circular motion as the pedal is pushed downward.

What causes movement at the knee joint?

In addition to simple flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) movements, the knee joint is designed to allow for rotation, gliding, and rolling movements.

How bad does knee replacement hurt?

The attune knee replacement is the newest innovated, type of knee replacement. The attune knee replacement is so good that is provides more mobility and it eases the unstable feeling most all patients have with any other type of knee replacement.

Regain Mobility After Knee Replacement?

Knee replacement is a surgery is a common procedure for people who have constant knee pain and lack of mobility. Sometimes the discomfort can be due to being overweight or from a lack of exercise. It can also be caused by arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of the body. It causes severe pain and stiffening of the joints. In many cases, the cartilage between the bones of the joints starts to degenerate, which means that bones start to rub together. This can be extremely painful. As people age, this condition becomes more common. It can affect a person's ability to walk, often requiring the use of a can or even a wheelchair. However, knee replacement surgery is a viable option for people who suffer from severe joint pain, especially if all other options, including weight loss and physical therapy, have been ineffective.Knee Replacement OptionsMany candidates for knee replacement surgery are beyond the age of 55 and have been battling joint issues for a number of years. As with other types of medical procedures, the surgery has been improved upon in recent years. Patients have the choice of what kind of materials they want based on their body types and lifestyle. During the surgery, the injured joint is removed and then replaced by artificial materials that are attached to the bones around it.Recovery After SurgeryThis surgery can be done on an outpatient basis, depending on the type of procedure that was done. After a knee replacement many people find that working with a physical therapist can help reduce pain while promoting strength and mobility. There are a number of exercises that can help strengthen the knee and the surrounding muscles so that normal range of motion can be accomplished. In the days following the surgery people often rely on crutches or canes but as the joint gets stronger they find they are able to move around more freely and without pain that plagued them before the procedure. There are newer techniques being used that are less invasive and those techniques often lead to a shortened recovery time.

What kind of brace do they use for a post op lateral release knee surgery?

You don't get a brace. You get a tight sock type thing to have for support and circulation but no brace. They won't want you to imobilize your knee, they want you to move it some.

What if your knees grind if you move them and its thinning your knee cap out do you need surgery?

The indications for surgery with progressive joint failure are worsening chronic pain and a loss of range of motion. In the case presented neither of these complications are mentioned so surgery at this point is not indicated. Barry

What joints in your knees and elbows are moveable?

A healthy knee is a highly moveable joint. It has the capacity to move forward some, back a lot, and also side to side.

Dealing With Knee Pain?

Knee pain can be caused from a variety of reasons. It is also found in all ages of people. Younger children can have pain in the knee from sports related injuries while older individuals can have pain in their knees due to getting older and having arthritis. There are ways that you can help relieve the pain that is felt in the knee.The easiest way to relive knee pain is to take medications that help with the symptoms. Sports injuries often require surgery in order for them to be healed properly. A torn tendon in the knee or a sprain is the most common injuries that children can receive. As soon as an injury occurs, it is important to get ice on the knee to keep the swelling down. The knee should not be moved until a doctor can be seen. The doctor would examine the knee in order to find out where the knee is injured and then proceed with the correct treatment. If surgery is done, the knee will either be wrapped in a bandage so it is not moved for a determined length of time, or it will be placed in a cast until it is time to move the knee again. It is vital to the person who has injured their knee to do all of the exercises they have been instructed to do. They should not over exert the knee as this may cause more injuries.Older individuals have knee pains for different reasons. As people age, their joints begin to deteriorate. They also have arthritis in their joints. Special medicated ointments can be used on the knees to relieve the pain associated with these conditions. If the joint becomes very bad, a knee replacement ay is needed in order for the person to get relief. Some people who have knee injuries may not be able to walk as well as they did before the knee replacement. Physical therapy is important after a replacement.

What is Joint Replacement Surgery and why use it?

Joint replacement is preferred when a person suffers from injury and relatable issues and he or she cant move their joints and faces difficulties while doing their daily life activities. In such cases, doctors suggest the patients go for Joint replacement surgery. A joint replacement surgery aims to restore the mobility of a damaged joint by replacing it with an artificial one. Joint replacement surgery is usually preferred when most of the treatment procedures fail for the joint injury. It is always better to approach the best joint replacement surgeon to get the right treatment to recover from the injury. It usually takes few months to recover from the injury, thus it is important to plan things and make the necessary actions. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides the best facilities and treatment for shoulder replacement surgery.