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lacked paired fish

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Q: After passing through the gills of a fish blood circulate through the rest of the body and then in the?
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How does a gill on a fish work?

Its a simple closed circuit system. The blood flows through the fish body passing through the gills where the gills siphon out dissolved oxygen from the water. The oxygenated blood then flows through the fish expending the oxygen and picking up carbon dioxide and expelling it from the gills and picks up more oxygen.

What is the function of the ostia in a crayfish?

It pumps newly oxygenated blood that's come from the gills into the heart, to circulate again.

Do crayfish have hearts?

The heart of the crayfish pumps to circulate the blood. The blood flows through the open cavities as there is a minimum of tubing in the crayfish. The circulation of the blood aerates and purifies it.

Do unborn babies breath through gills?

No, They receive oxygenated blood through the umbiliacl cord, humans do not have gills.

Where does the blood collects after passing the gills of a fish?

It circulates the body distributing the oxygen picked up in the gills and collecting carbon di-oxide to exchange in the gills for more oxygen.

How do sharks exchange gases?

because unlike mammals, sharks do not have lungs (like other fish) and the gills act as filters. They process oxygen through the water so they can breath thus the shark always has to keep moving (depending on the species of course)

Do fish need to breahe under water?

Fish process the oxygen in the water through their gills. They suck in water and as they push the water out of their gills, the gills retain the air. This is why fish tank require pumps; to circulate the water and create oxygen.

What color are the gills on a fish and why?

The gills of a healthy fish are bright red; this is because blood is flowing through them.

Why the gills of fishes are red?

They are red because you can see the colour of the red blood through the thin walls of the gills. The gills carry the oxygenated blood into and around the fish just as your lungs do for you.

Where does blood collect in fish after it circulates through the body?

the gills

What does gills help fish do?

Fish use gills to extract oxygen from the water passing over the gills.

In a fish where does blood absorb oxygen and loose carbon dioxide?

Through the gills.