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Ordered all buildings of military value to be burned down.

But most of the city was in ruins by the time he left.

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Q: After sherman won the of atlanta what did he do to atlanta?
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Who won the atlanta campaign?

the unions won with general William T. Sherman

Who won the Burning of Atlanta?

The Union forces under General Sherman won the Battle of Atlanta. When General Hood left the area, he burned many buildings. When Sherman took over Atlanta, hundreds more businesses and homes were burnt.

What is the battle that general William t sherman won in 1864?


Who won in The Battle of Atlanta?

The Union army under William T. Sherman.

Who won the battle of Atlanta in 1864?

On September 2, 1864, the City of Atlanta formally surrendered to the Union troops of General Sherman. Later, Sherman established his Southern headquarters there.

Who won the battle of Atlanta?

The Battle of Atlanta, part of the American Civil War, occurred on July 22, 1864. The result of the battle was a victory for the Union.

The city in the middle of Georgia was burned by general Sherman?

The main city captured by Sherman was Atlanta.

Where in Atlanta did Sherman watch the burning of Atlanta?

I think Sherman burned most of the buildings in the city.So i don't think there is only such a specific area in Atlanta.

Union general at Atlanta?

Sherman was the union general in Atlanta.

How did Sherman's capture of Atlanta lead to the end of slavery in the US?

Sherman's capture of the Atlanta gave Lincoln a reason to emancipate the slaves. It showed that the war could in fact be won. Second idea Hardly a connection. Until the Army of Northern Virginia was defeated, the war would have continued.

What was General Sherman's march to Atlanta called?

It was simply the Battle of Atlanta. Afterwards, Sherman started planning his March to the Sea, ending at Savannah.

what side won on the battle of Atlanta?

The Union forces under Sherman. The Confederates under John Hood escaped into the mountains, hoping they could force Sherman to follow them. Sherman ignored them and turned South East, living off the land as he went. This was the March to the Sea.