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Q: After the Missouri Compromise most Americans in the 1830s and 1840's agreed that slavery was?
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After the Missouri compromise most Americans agreed that slavery was?

An issue best left to the states. (APEX)

What was agreed to The Missouri Compromise?

they did not agreed

What was agreed to in Missouri compromise?

they did not agreed

What was the Missouri to the compromise?

they did not agreed

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30' line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30'line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.

Congress agreed to allow two states into the union one free and one slave and established slavery policies in the Louisiana territory what was the agreement called?

The Missouri Compromise

Congress agreed to allow two states into the union one free and one slave and established slavery policies in the Louisiana Territory What was this agreement called?

The Missouri Compromise

Congress agreed to allow two states into the Union one free and one slave and established slavery policies in the Louisiana Territory. What was this agreement called?

The Missouri Compromise

How did Missouri became a state?

The Missouri compromise, which was agreed upon by the pro-slavery and anti-slavery parties of the United States, allowed to join the Union but no other slave states could be admitted above the 36'30'' parallel in the Louisiana Territory.

Which compromise the delegates who wanted slavery agreed to?

cat dog hog mog and lion

What was the compromise in The Missouri Compromise?

This was meant to settle the question of slavery in the Western territories that were applying to become states of the Union. It was agreed to draw one line of latitude, North of which slavery would be illegal. The line was the Southern border of Missouri. The Compromise worked well enough for thirty years, until after the Mexican war, when the future of California was being debated. The new state would extend so far either side of the Missouri line that both sides claimed it. So the Compromise broke down, and had to be replaced by another which did not last. It has often been commented that if there could have been two states, Northern California and Southern California, meeting on the Missouri line, the Civil War could have been avoided.