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Miss Maudie stayed with Miss Stephanie Crawford after her house burnt down.

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Q: After the house burnt to the ground and the fire trucks left with whom did miss Maudie stay?
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What happens to miss maudies house in chapter 8?

Miss Maudie's house catches fire in chapter 8, burning to the ground. The whole neighborhood comes together to help save what items they can and support Miss Maudie in her loss. Despite the tragedy, Miss Maudie remains positive and resilient.

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"I looked on in astonishment as the house burnt to the ground."

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In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," Mrs. Dubose was upset and devastated by her house burning down. She had been unwell and bedridden, and the fire destroyed everything she had, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable.

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learn this in school dummy jk your smart

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Why did miss Maudie move in with miss Stephanie crawford?

Miss Maudie moved in with Miss Stephanie Crawford after her house burned down. Miss Stephanie kindly offered her place until Miss Maudie's house could be rebuilt.

Who is Miss Maudie in the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird?

Miss Maudie Atkinson is a kind and outspoken neighbor of the Finch family in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She is respected in the community for her wisdom and moral integrity. Miss Maudie serves as a mentor to Scout and Jem, teaching them valuable lessons about life and compassion.

Who is the roomer at Miss Maudie's house in To Kill A Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the roomer at Miss Maudie's house is Mr. Avery. He is described as being a heavyset man who spends most of his time sitting on Miss Maudie's porch and spitting.

Miss Maudie state of mind after the fire?

Miss Maudie is shocked by the fire but optimistic. She tells Scout that the house was too big for her anyway and that she would build a smaller house.

Whose house burns down?

Miss Maudie Atkinson

Who did miss Maudie stay with after the fire?

Miss Maudie stayed with the Miss Stephanie Crawford after the fire at her house.

What are some descriptive passages of Miss Maudie's house in the book To Kill A Mockingbird?

Miss Maudie's house in "To Kill A Mockingbird" is described as small and neat, with a wide porch and old-fashioned furniture. The house is surrounded by a lovely garden filled with blooming flowers and shrubs. Miss Maudie's garden is well-tended and a source of pride for her.