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Aga khan , is nothing. he is just a human being like us

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Q: Aga khanis are Muslims
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Do differences matter in Islam or does Islam remain the same?

Islam has 3 sects: Sunni, Shia & Bohris (Aga Khanis) Sunnis are true Muslims Shias are low caste converts Bohris believe in Aga khan not Allah so they are not true Muslims....they are Kaafirs

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Who was the head of ismaili Muslims?

The Aga Khan is the spiritual leader of the Ismailis.

What is an Aga Khanite?

An Aga Khanite is another name for a Sevener, a member of a branch of Shi'a Muslims who believe that Isma'il ibn Jafar was the seventh and last imam.

Can a sunni boy marries with a aga khani girl?

NOT AT ALL. Because aga khani are not even Muslims. no roza no hajj and no other Islamic character. they just worship their imam aga khan,the greatest devil on earth so beware of the devils.

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Aga aga aga aga

What is the head of ilamic religion?

Caliphate was abolished after the WorldwarI. Prior to its abolition the Caliph was the nominal head of Muslims. However the Ismaili sect of Islam has the Aga khan as the head. Aga Khan is the direct descendant of Prophet Mohammed.

Who is His Highness prince Karim Aga Khan?

He is the Imam (the title for a Muslim religious leader or chief) of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.

What does aga mean in spanish?

"Aga" does not have a specific meaning in Spanish. It is not a common Spanish word.

What is the total Muslim population of Pakistan?

Answer 1Census data indicates that over 96% of the population is Muslim. The Population of Pakistan is 176,242,949 approximately which means there are around 169,193,231 Muslims there.The Muslims belong to different schools which are called Madhahib (singular: Madhhab) i.e, schools of jurisprudence (also 'Maktab-e-Fikr' (School of Thought) in Urdu).Around 85% of Pakistani Muslims are Sunni Muslims and there is a minority 10% Shi'a Muslims.The Hanafi school includes the Barelvis and Deobandis schools. Although the majority of Pakistani Shia Muslims belong to Ithna 'ashariyah school, there are significant minorities: Nizari Ismailis (Aga Khanis) and the smaller Mustaali Dawoodi Bohra and Sulaimani Bohra branches.Many people on the Makran coast of Balochistan follow the Zikri sect of Islam. The Shia Ithna 'ashariyah school has its own Masjids and Hussainias. Mustaali Dawoodi Bohra and Sulaimani Bohra also have their own Masjids. While the Nizari Khoja Ismailis (Aga Khanis) pray in Jama'at Khanas.There are small non-Muslim religious groups: Christians (1.6%), Hindus (1.85%), Ahmadis, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis, Bahá'ís, Zoroastrians (Parsis) and others making up approximately 3% of the population.Answer 2Pakistan Muslim population is 174 millions (96.3 % of total Pakistan population) per Pew Study Forum as of October 2009. See link below.

What is the difference between Aga Khan Foundation and Aga Khan Development Network?

answer of last question............ aga khan foundation is the branch of aga khan network.

Three letter word for Turkish commander?

Aga is a three-letter word for a Turkish ruler.