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warmed, moistened and cleaned by the nose and mouth

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Q: Air from the outside is
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Air conditioning system delivers warm air what is the cause?

If the air conditioning system is delivering warm air, it could be due to a variety of reasons such as a refrigerant leak, a faulty compressor, clogged air filters, or an issue with the thermostat. It is best to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and fix the problem.

The condition of the outside air at any particular moment is called that?

The condition of the outside air at a particular moment is

Air moves from the outside into the lungs through?

The air moves from the outside into the lungs through the windpipe.

What outside temperature will cause air to flow out of a building?

Air will flow out of a building when the outside temperature is warmer.

When the air pressure in the lungs is greater than the air pressure outside the body you?

at higher altitudes the pressure of air is greater in our lungs as compare to the air pressure outside the body

When you use the fan option on your central air unit does it draw air from the outside or circulate the air already inside?

The fan option on a central air unit circulates the air already inside your home. It does not draw air from the outside.

What does air to air mean in heat pumps?

Air to air simply means a heat pump that sits outside of your home and pulls heat from the outside air. This is the most common type of heat pump.

Is the air in a can holding tennis balls higher or lower in the can or outside the can?

The air pressure inside the can is always higher than the air pressure outside the can. The air is compressed into the can along with the tennis balls.

How does an egg go into a bottle?

If you put a match in it, there will be less air inside and more air outside so the air outside wants to get in so it will push the egg in

The air pressure inside the can compare to the air pressure outside the can equal lower or higher?

There is no difference of the average local air pressure inside or outside of the headphone.

Is outside combustible air and air from attic space the same?

If the attic is well sealed from the inside of the house and well vented to the outside the air can be considered the same.

How is the air in the windpipe different from air outside?

The air in the windpipe is clean, moist and filtered