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have less weight

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4d ago

Water molecules displace some of the air molecules, reducing the overall pressure within the air. This is because the water molecules take up space in the air, leading to a decrease in the number of air molecules per unit volume.

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Q: Air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air because water molecules .?
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Air pressure becomes lowet as water molecules are addrd to the air because water molecules?

Air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air because water molecules have less weight.

Air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air because water molecules?

have less weight

Air pressure becomes lower as eater molecules are added to the air because water molecules are what?

Sorry we do not know what you mean by "eater molecules".

When air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air what happens?

have less weight

Why does air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air?

Air pressure is the weight of the air at a specific location. On the surface of the earth, we have the entire weight of the atmosphere pressing on us in the form of air molecules like O2, N2, and CO2. As we go higher and higher into the atmosphere, there are fewer molecules and so there is less weight pressing against us.

How does vapor pressure of water change when a salt is added?

When salt is added to water, the vapor pressure of water decreases. This is because the presence of salt disrupts the ability of water molecules to escape into the gas phase, lowering the overall vapor pressure of the solution.

When energy is added into a liquid what does it become?

Yes Because the liquids molecules have to over come the resistance between each other

What happens to air pressure if more air molecules are added to a balloon?

Adding more air molecules to a balloon increases the number of collisions between the molecules and the balloon walls, thereby increasing the pressure inside the balloon. This increase in air pressure causes the balloon to expand until the pressure inside matches the pressure outside.

What causes the pressure inside oxygen tanks to change as they are filled?

The number of gas molecules changes.the number of gas molecules changes

What happens to vapor pressure as more solute such as sugar is added to a solution?

The vapor pressure of the solution decreases as more solute is added. This is because the presence of the solute particles restricts the movement of solvent molecules, making it harder for them to escape into the vapor phase. As a result, the overall vapor pressure of the solution is lower than that of the pure solvent.

What creates pressure in a bicycle tire?

The pressure increases, and the molecules collide with the tire's inner surface.

What happens when water molecules when heat is added to water molecules?

When heat is added to the water, the molecules move faster. When the water reaches the boiling point (100 Degree Celsius), the water molecules at the surface of the water would break apart with the other molecules and escape (evaporate). When they evaporate, the water molecules changes state and becomes water vapour.