

Alexander Fleming discovered foot and mouth?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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Q: Alexander Fleming discovered foot and mouth?
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Who discovered hand foot and mouth disease?

Friedrich Loeffler discovered the cause of foot and mouth disease in 1897 as being a viral disease. He discovered this from passing infected FMD blood through a filter and the fluid that came out could still infect a healthy animal. As to who discovered the disease's existence we have no way of knowing, the US has been having outbreaks since the 1870s, and the disease has probably been around much longer than that.

When did Japan foot-and-mouth outbreak happen?

Japan foot-and-mouth outbreak happened in 2010.

When was Foot in Mouth Disease created?

Foot in Mouth Disease was created on 2003-04-01.

Why the symptoms of hand foot mouth disease occur in hand foot and mouth?

you may find that animals will have blisters at the mouth and on the hooves

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Which country has not had a case of foot-and-mouth disease?

New Zealand is the country that has NOT yet had the "foot and mouth disease"

Can adults get hand mouth and foot disease?

anyone can get hand foot and mouth diseases even kids

When did South Korea foot-and-mouth outbreak happen?

South Korea foot-and-mouth outbreak happened in 2010.

When was Foot in Mouth - Green Day album - created?

Foot in Mouth - Green Day album - was created in 1998.

Why is foot and mouth called foot and mouth?

It is more properly called "Hoof and mouth" disease, from the places where farmers would first notice the symptoms in their cattle.

What is aftosa?

foot and mouth disease

Where does foot and mouth originate from?

Well, on a normal person, the foot tends to be around the lower ankle. The mouth is somewhere around the head