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This is M-U-C-H too broad a question to be addressed with a general answer. You must be more specific as to your local or state jurisdiction and what kind of specific consumer protection yoru are asking about.

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Q: All activities undertaken to protect the rights of consumers?
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What is government attempted to protect with civil-rights law?

the US economy and consumers

What is the consumer rights in uk?

Consumers have rights in the UK when they purchase goods and services. There are laws that protect consumers from shady business practices. The laws allow consumers to get full restitution from unfair commercial ventures.

What do you think the most effective and efficient way to protect and ensure the rights of the consumer?

what do you think is the most effective and efficient way to protect and insure the rights of the consumers.

In what two ways does the bill of rights protect and guarantee individuals freedom to engage in business activities?

Recognizes property rights and limits on taxation.

Agent of consumerism in Nigeria?

The government serves as an agent of consumerism in Nigeria. This is a form of legislation which seeks to protect the rights of the consumers in the market.

What are the fruits of years of vocal consumer advocacy?

federal legislation and agencies intended to protect consumers in the United States. The rights of consumers have expanded to include product safety, the legitimacy of advertising claims

What is the consumer protection law designed to do?

The consumer protection law is designed to help protect consumers against unfair practices by businesses. It gives consumers various rights when dealing with unsatisfactory products or services.

What did the king do with the olive branch petition?

The Olive Branch Petition asked the king to protect the colonists' rights.

When it comes to people's rights why are the courts important?

They define and protect rights.

How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?

the bill of rights has everything to say that it has to protect our rights

The government takes part in the united states economy to?

The government takes part in the united states economy to protect consumers action against violations of consumer rights.

What is created to protect inalienable rights?

people created government to protect our rights