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direct democracy

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Q: All citizens in ancient anthens had the right to attend the assembly where they could meet in open discussion and cast votes this situation is an example of?
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what situation is called when all citizens had the right to attend assembly to meet in open discussion and cast votes in ancient athens1. direct democracy2. totalitarianism3. parliamentary democracy 4. absolutism?

Direct Democracy

Assembly of citizens that helped manage the government in ancient Rome?

The Centuriate Assembly, the Tribal Assembly, the Plebeian Assembly.

Citizens in ancient Athens took part in government by voting in the?

Assembly held each fortnight.

All citizens in ancient Athens took part in government by voting in the?

Assembly held each fortnight.

In what lawmaking body did people vote on issues hat helped to shape the future of the city in ancient Greece?

The Assembly of the citizens.

What was the method of passing laws for the ancient Athens?

The citizens (male) met in assembly and voted to accept or reject eash law.

All citizens in ancient Athens had the right to attend assemlbly where they could meet in ppen discussion and cast votes its a example of what?

Please find the answer

What two rights did citizens have in Ancient Greece?

To vote in political assembly and in the courts as jurymen. Plus the obligation to serve in the army when called out.

Were plebeians citizens?

No, if I'm not mistaken, they were the middle to lower class citizens, the normal masses in ancient Greece and Rome. And in the ancient governments, the term was used to refer to the general assembly of people the voted on the issues brought before them and represented the general population.

How did direct democracy work in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

Was ancient Rome republic or democratic?


What was the name of the council of 400 male citizens that served as an advisory body for the general assembly of all male citizens in ancient Athens?

Study Western civilization its under chapter 3. I am not going to give answer.