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The genes in the DNA instruct the cell to synthesize proteins

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DNA contains genes that provide instructions for making proteins. Through a process called protein synthesis, DNA is first transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA), and then translated into proteins. These proteins carry out various functions in the cell, ultimately leading to the expression of specific traits determined by the genetic information encoded in the DNA.

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Q: All the information necessary for an organism to form and grow is recorded in the organisms DNA. How does DNA use its stored information to express a trait?
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How big is the biggest tin foil ball in your state?

I'm not able to provide real-time information on the size of the biggest tin foil ball in a specific state. However, the largest tin foil ball recorded was over 12 feet in diameter and weighed over 1,600 pounds.

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An analytical observation involves critically examining and interpreting data, patterns, or phenomena to draw conclusions or make predictions based on evidence and logical reasoning. It often involves breaking down complex information into smaller components to gain deeper insights or understanding.

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All the information necessary for an organism to form and grow is recorded in the organism's DNA. How does DNA use its stored information to express a trait?

The genes in the DNA instruct the cell to synthesize proteins

All the information necessary for an organism to form and grow is recorded in the organism and DNA. How does DNA use its stored information to express a trait?

The genes in the DNA instruct the cell to synthesize proteins

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Evidence of an organism's activities is recorded in trace fossils. These include tracks, fossilized dung, and burrow casts.

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No one discovered genetically modified organisms. Such organisms are created by people working in laboratories. In 1953 it was discovered that DNA is the material that carries genes, the information that defines and structures each organism. For the next 50 years people worked to understand DNA and eventually learned how to modify it, in some circumstances. When such a modification is successful, the result is an organism that has been genetically modified - a genetically modified organism.

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