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Q: All three classes of cindarians have both medusa and polyp stages?
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What are two stages of cnidarians?

Polyp and medusa are two stages in life cycle of cnidarians , polyp is hydra like and medusa is jelly fish like .

What are the 2 distinct life stages of cnidarians?

The medusa (jellyfish like) and the polyp (sea anenome like)

Which phylum has both medusa and polyp stages in its life cycle?

Its Phylum coelenterata

What are the two body forms of cnidarians?

1. Polyp 2. Medusa

Is a moon jelly a Medusa or a polyp?


What is the diffence between polyp and Medusa?

polyp---sea anenome, medusa---jellyfish Phlycabs In plain English a polyp is a cylinder with tentacles at the top. The Hydra looks like a tin can with slender arms coming from the top of its body. This body form does not move and the animals are trappers. The medusa is an umbrella shaped structure with tentacles hanging down from it. The jellyfish is an example. These animals move. During the reproductive stages of the jellyfish there is a time when they take on the polyp form. Then they bud off and become medusa. Nighthawk

What are a medusa shape and a polyp shape look like?

A medusa looks like an umbrella and a polyp any idea!

Is star coral a polyp or a Medusa?

polyp! The star coral is attached and is faceup

What shapes do cnidarains come in?

a Medusa or a Polyp.

What do the two body forms of cnidarians look like?

There are two cnidarian body shapes, the bell-shaped Medusa, whose tentacles face downward and the vase-shaped polyp, whose tentacles face upward. Cnidarians have stinging cells in their tentacles known as cnidocytes. These cells include a trigger that releases a toxin-coated stinger that paralyzes any organism that has come into contact with is. Examples of a medusa include the common jellyfish, and examples of a polyp include corals and sea anemones.

Explain the difference between a polyp and a Medusa?

A polyp is anchored to substrate, like a rock or piece of coral. Anemones are polyps. They catch food with their tentacles and have the mouth on the upside. A medusa is swimming freely. Jellyfish are medusa stages. They catch food with their trailing tentacles and have the mouth on the downside. You can view polyps as the settled ´plant´ and medusa as the free-floating ´seed´, like in a dandelion. Though they aren´t plants at all, of course.

What are the Two general types of the cnidarians?

polyp and medusa