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Q: Allegations of abuse against the grandfather?
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Is asking for an apology from your spouse considered abuse when they made false allegations to the police that you abused them?

No, that's not abuse providing that they dont have a restraining order against you. On a different note, if they're making false allegations, I would assume they don't really care about you and perhaps It's best to stay away from them.

If a person has made false allegations of Elder Abuse against a relative what are the chances they will do the same to a spouse?

There are a great many factors to be considered, including the definition of abuse and the possibility that the allegations were, in fact, true, along with issues of mental competency and accuracy of reporting on both sides. In short, there is no way we can answer this question.

Can anyone be held acountable for the false allegations for abuse?

Yes. The person who makes the false allegations can be held accountable both civilly and possibly criminally.

How to defend yourself against allegations in court?

Get a lawyer.

Why did Roseanne and Tom Arnold get divorced?

Only they know for sure, but there were allegations of spousal and drug abuse.

How do you defend against false allegations of terrorist threat?

Defending against false allegations of terrorism is much like defending against any other false allegations. The general idea is, lies are refuted by telling the truth. You would have to examine the basis for the allegations, whatever evidence or reports have been collected, and explain what really happened, and produce whatever confirming evidence you can, to prove your case.

What is a a sentence for vehemently?

The politician vehemently denied the allegations against him.

How many allegations were made against Harvey Weinstein?

Over 80

Can cps get a court order against you even if they have no evidence to support allegations?

For any agency to gain a court order would require for the agency to prove to a court that the order was justified by the facts But, it does depend on the allegations. The court may decide to rule on the side of caution. This frequently happened to fathers accused of sex abuse where no clear evidence can be established.

If you have joint custody but the father has been investigated for child abuse can you get sole custody?

Because of the very high rates of false allegations made against fathers, to block them enforcing their parental rights, a simple investigation does not warrant such a change.

What is women against web abuse?

women who dislike and stand against web abuse

Can a teacher file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations?

Yes, a teacher may file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations. The teacher will need proof showing what the parent did and proof showing she was not reprimanded for it.