

Also known as vomiting

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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Purging, throwing up

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Q: Also known as vomiting
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What is the medical term meaning vomiting?

Emesis is the medical term meaning vomiting.EmesisEmesis is also known as vomiting.terms for vomiting are regurgitation, throwing up, inability to keep food downEmesisThrowing up.Nauseaemesis

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Is it safe to double dose antibiotics in cases of vomiting after dose?

Absolutely NOT! Vomiting after an antibiotic may indicate the person is having a known side effect to antibiotics, i.e. nausea, vomiting. Hold the next dose and call your doctor.

Can vitamins cause vomiting?

I think it can, if i take vitamins (especially on an empty stomach) it causes vomiting, this is also the case if they are not coated.

Forces food back into pharynx?

This would be accomplished by the regurgitative process known as vomiting.

What is Shiatsu known for?

Shiatsu has a strong reputation for reducing stress and relieving nausea and vomiting

What does it mean when you keep vomiting?

If you keep vomiting consistently, it means you have a disease called vomiting disorder. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is recommended you consider seeing a doctor to consultant. ( This could also mean that you have a weird and rare vomiting disease called vomalition)

How can you induce vomiting?

The most common way to induce vomiting is to stick one's finger down the throat and gag oneself. It is also said that drinking a solution of mustard and water will induce vomiting.