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Q: Although meteorologists work hard to predict hurricanes and rsquo paths hurricanes sometimes veer off course.?
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Who predicts weather patterns?

Meteorologists. In the US, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and also many other organizations.

Why are tornadoes and hurricanes studied by meteorologists?

By studying tornadoes and hurricanes we can gain a better understanding of them and improve out ability to predict them. This allows for better warnings for people that need them, which can save lives. There is also the matter of simple human curiosity of how the universe works.

Can you make a sentence using the word predict?

Meteorologists predict the weather.

Who are scientists who tries to predict wheather?


What do you call people who predict the weather?


Which type of scientist might make predictions about the path of hurricane?

A meteorologist.

Can you predict river floods?

yes and no. You cant predict exactly when but you can observe it

Do meteorologists use thermometers to predict the weather?


Can meteorologists predict volcanoes?

The fact of whether or not geologists can measure or predict a valcano is silly each valcano is different and it is of nature thus there is not way to predict what it will do and when it will do it.

What signs are there for hurricanes to occur?

The primary sign a hurricane is forming is the development of a large cluster of thunderstorms over the open ocean. Meteorologists then track things such as wind speeds and air pressure to predict a hurricane.

People who study the weather are known as?

for future food production we need to predict weather which will determines what types of crops should we plough

Can meteorologists predict when hurricanes will occur?

To a limited degree, yes. Meteorologists track tropical weather systems and analyze them to determine how likely they are to develop into tropical cyclones (tropical depressions, tropical storms, or hurricanes). By looking at conditions in and around a tropical cyclone scientists can estimated where a hurricane will probably go and how strong it will likely be. However, predictions more than 5 days into the future lose accuracy rapidly.