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For those married to a US citizen, it is 3 years as a Permanent Resident without leaving the United States for trips of 6 months or longer.

Otherwise, for most, 5 years as a Permanent Resident without leaving the United States for trips of 6 months or longer

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The general rule is that spouses of U.S. citizens must have resided in the U.S. for at least three years before they can apply for citizenship. This time requirement is reduced if the spouse is serving in the military.

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Q: Although there are exceptions made the general rule is that most people must reside in the us for at least how many years before they can apply for citizenship in the case of spouses of citizen that w?
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When does a person becomes stateless?

A person becomes stateless when they are not considered a national by any country, meaning they are not recognized as a citizen by any government. This can occur due to various reasons, such as being born in a country that does not grant nationality based on birth or losing citizenship due to changes in laws or conflict between countries. Statelessness can result in a lack of access to basic rights and services, making it a serious human rights issue.

If you are not us citizen can you serve military?

In general, non-U.S. citizens can join the U.S. military if they meet certain criteria, such as having legal residency in the United States. There are specific programs, like MAVNI (Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest), that allow non-citizens with certain language or medical skills to join the military and obtain citizenship through their service.

Can a past settlement offer be introduced at trial?

In general, past settlement offers are not admissible at trial as they are considered privileged negotiations. However, there may be exceptions depending on the specific circumstances and the rules of evidence in the jurisdiction. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for guidance on this issue.

Can someone out on bond carry a gun?

In general, if someone is out on bond, they are still subject to the laws and restrictions that apply to the general population. It's important to check the specific conditions of their bond release to see if there are any restrictions related to firearms possession. Violating these conditions could result in further legal trouble.

Is social security income exempt from garnishment for a judgment?

In general, Social Security income is protected from most types of garnishment, including for judgments. However, there are some exceptions, such as for specific types of debts like child support or federal taxes. It's important to understand the specific laws in your state to know the extent of protection for Social Security income.

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Do Canadians born before 1947 qualify as British citizens?

In general no. British Citizenship was only introduced in 1983 and to obtain it, one had to be a Citizen of United Kingdom and Colonies before that (plus additional conditions). CUKC in turn was introduced only in 1948. There may be possible exceptions, for example if the Canadian citizen was born in the UK or had a parent born in the UK but I am not familiar with the details.

If an American an Italian dual citizenship couple have a baby in Italy is baby a dual citizen?

Yes, the child can hold dual citizenship. You just need to contact the US embassy or consulate general and get a registration of birth abroad.

What a person born or naturalized in the us is known as?

A US citizen? "Native born" if you were actually born in the US - a naturalized citizen if you legally studied entered, applied for, and were granted citizenship after passing the requirements.

If my Father was born in Canada then married my mother who is a U.S. citizen can I hold duel citizenship?

You may be eligible. The laws changed in Apr.2009 and many gained Canadian citizenship as a result. Contact the Canadian high commission or consulate general nearest to you and they will assist you.

How can you obtain British Citizenship as you were born a British Overseas Citizen?

In general, you cannot be born a British Overseas Citizen, as this is a residual category of citizenship created for those former Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies who were not eligible to become either a British Citizen or a British Dependent Territories Citizen after the passage of the British Nationality Act 1983. If you were born a British Dependent Territories Citizen (now call British Overseas Territories Citizen) then you are now also a British Citizen by virtue of the British Overseas Territories Act 2002. You don't need to do anything special to have British Citizenship in this case; it is automatic. However, if you are actually a British Overseas Citizen, you can either register as a British Citizen after living in the UK for 5 years and hold Indefinite Leave to Remain for at least 12 months prior to your registration application. If you are married to a British Citizen, you can apply for naturalization after living in the UK for 3 years. Finally, through the provisions of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, a British Overseas Citizen who has no other citizenship has the right to register as a British Citizen.

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Citizenship is a process that takes time to be approved by the government of the country you wish to become a citizen of. In general, citizenship status in the US is difficult to receive and takes several years of processing. If your daughter is a citizen of both countries, you can include that information on your citizenship application forms, but you will still need to go through the proper channels to get approved. Having a daughter as a US and Mexican citizen will not make you a citizen of both and will likely have little impact on your application for citizenship. Becoming a Mexican citizen would be significantly easier if you were a US citizen, as the paperwork and legality is not nearly as complex and strict. Check with the governments of both countries to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

What does a US citizen need to do to become a citizen in Iceland?

Try marrying someone from Iceland and then apply for a citizenship. CitizenshipAs a general rule foreign nationals must have been domiciled in Iceland for seven years before they can apply for citizenship. Nationals of the Nordic countries, however, may apply after 5 years of domicile. A foreign national who marries an Icelandic national may apply for citizenship after having been resident in Iceland for three years after the marriage. A foreign national, who is cohabiting with an Icelandic citizen, both being unmarried, may apply for Icelandic citizenship if the cohabitation has lasted for more than five years. Application forms for Icelandic citizenship are available from the Ministry of Justice.

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You don't say whether you mean legally or culturally.Citizenship laws are complicated ... In general, if you had a parent with German citizenship at the time of your birth and have no other citizenship you are a German citizen. (Place of birth is irrelevant). Obviously naturalized Germans have citizenship. There are some others who may have a claim to citizenship - which is not the same thing as citizenship itself.If you mean culturally German, then self-identification and the ability to speak German as a native speaker are crucial.

Which of the ministers is most likely to advise the Governor General on who should be granted citizenship?

Section 5 of the Citizenship Act sets out that the minister responsible (currently the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) can grant citizenship in his authority as a minister of the Crown. No advice to the Governor General is required, as citizenship in Canada is not issued by the Governor General-in-Council.

Is it illegal to be two people?

If you are referring to impersonating someone else - or - assume a new identity, although there could be possible exceptions, the general answer would be no, you may not.

Non citizen CHILD of a US citizen will became citizen?

Yes, if the child was born outside the US and one of the biological parents was a US citizen, you should go to the nearest embassy or consulate general of the US and register the child's birth so that he or she can officially be a US citizen (they are entitled to automatic US citizenship). If the child is born in the US, the birth certificate of the child is the proof of citizenship and no other paperwork is required. If the child was not the biological child of a US citizen (he or she was adopted, or belong to a non-citizen spouse that the US citizen has married), then the US citizen will have to apply for a US permanent residency visa for that child. The child is then eligible to become a naturalized US citizen after they turn 18 OR have lived in the US for 5 years, whichever comes later.

What does it mean to be actizen of the world?

It has a variety of meanings, maybe a person who does not approve geographical political divisions derived from national citizenship. People who argue that they are not a citizen of a single country, but of the world in general. My country is the World. World citizenship has been promoted by many distinguised people and generally ignored by others