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If you inhale asbestos you can develop lung cancer many years later and die.

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Q: Am I going to die from inhaling asbestos?
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Is silicosis is a result of inhaling asbestos?

No, silicosis is the result of inhaling silica. Asbestosis is the result of inhaling asbestos.

How do you prevent asbestos?

Asbestos has existed in the ground for millions of years.You cannot prevent it from existing. You can prevent asbestos disease by leaving the fiber in the ground, by treating asbestos-containing products so the fibers cannot become airborne, and by preventing people from inhaling (breathing in) air that is contaminated with asbestos.

Was asbestos used in insulation in 1973?

Yes, asbestos was commonly used in insulation in 1973 due to its heat-resistant properties. However, its use has since declined due to health concerns associated with inhaling asbestos fibers.

Am Igoing todie from inhaling asbestos?

Asbestos can have deadly effects on the lungs. By breathing this conditions may occur. See your doctor immediately if you inhaled asbestos. It is very harmful for your health, and can kill you.

Would there be any websites that could happen to help me find mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer which may be caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. You can find more information on the disease by going to /

What might cause lung cancer?

Some causes of lung cancer are smoking, or inhaling harmful chemicals such as radon or asbestos.

Is inhaling smoke from a match bad?

Its bad inhaling or not inhaling because its still going to get in your lungs.

Is inhaling helium out of 2 balloons ok?

No, you can die from inhaling to much helium.

How can you tell if old tiles contain asbestos?

The only way to definitively determine if old tiles contain asbestos is to have them tested by a certified asbestos inspector. Asbestos was commonly used in tiles before the 1980s, so if your tiles were installed before then, there is a higher likelihood of them containing asbestos. However, visual inspection alone is not enough to confirm the presence of asbestos.

Who can test my house for asbestos?

If you're wanting someone to come test for asbestos, I would suggest going to There they tell you everything you need to know about asbestos and where you can locate a laboratory to test for it.

Should I consider getting an asbestos attorney if I find asbestos in my residence?

You're generally not going to find asbestos in a residential dwelling, so don't worry about it. If you get asbestosis or mesothelioma from occupational asbestos exposure, then yes, you should get a lawyer.

Why did asbestos use become strictly regulated after 1970?

Asbestos use became strictly regulated after 1970 because scientific research linked it to serious health risks such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Government agencies like the EPA and OSHA enacted regulations to protect workers and the public from asbestos exposure, leading to stricter guidelines on its use and removal.