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American Indian Wars (American Natives) 1622 to 1890.

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Q: America's longest war was fought in?
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What was the longest war that Unites States ever fought in?

The Vietnam war was the longest war American had fought in. We got involved with the war in 1954 and it ended in 1973. 58,000 Americans were killed in the war and 2-3 million Vietnamese were killed as well.

What was the longest battle fought by the Romans?

The first Punic war with a staggering 23 year length

When did the first Persian Gulf war star?

The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, was one of the longest wars fought in that region.

Which is the longest war fought in the world?

The Hundred Years War, with the English against the French from 1337 to 1453, thus lasting for 116 years.

Which country fought Germany the longest during World War 2 and remained unoccupied to the end?

It was Great Britain.

What is the longest lasting war?

To the best of my knowledge, the Hundred Years War is still regarded as the longest lasting war. It was fought between England and France in the 14th and 15th Centuries, and it actually lasted about 117 years.

In which war did the US fight in the longest?

Defining a war in the traditional method, which the conflict was fought against another "COUNTRY" (nation) which had a set government and a national flag, the Vietnam War would be the longest (war against the nation of North Vietnam). Defining war in the broad sense, and not neccessarily fought against a country with a set government and a national flag, then the American Indian Wars (American Frontier Wars) would be America's longest war(s): roughly 1620 until 1890 (ending at the Battle of Wounded Knee).

What US jet fought the longest in any US war?

The Phabulous F-4 Phantom wins it hands down !

Who has been in the Americas the second longest?

Shawn micheals

What is south Americas second longest river?

The Congo River.

Did World War 1 last the longest out of all wars?

No, not by a long shot. For one, the Hundred Years' War lasted 116 years. (I don't get it either) EDIT: Yes, the longest war was the Hundred Years War fought by Britain and France. It technically was separate wars, but there were short periods of peace in between.